strengths and weaknesses of ethics of care

While early strains of care ethics can be detected in the writings of feminist philosophers such as Mary Wollstonecraft, Catherine and Harriet Beecher, and Charlotte Perkins, it was first most explicitly articulated by Carol Gilligan and Nel Noddings in the early 1980s. Ethical leadership styles must be consistent to be effective. 4. The Unhappy Marriage of Care Ethics and Virtue Ethics., Slote, Michael. Held refutes that care is best understood as a disposition such as compassion or benevolence, but defines care as more a characterization of a social relation than the description of an individual disposition.. Why is Kantian ethics the best? She argues that under this conception, human interdependency, difference, and questions about private life become irrelevant to politics. Slote seeks to form an alliance against traditional masculine moral theories like Kantianism, utilitarianism, and social contract theory (Slote, 1998). Both ACA & AACC respect the rights of privacy of their clients (Corey, G, Corey M & Callanan, 2011, pg. Beyond Caring: The De-Moralization of Gender in V. Held, Fry, Sara T. The Role of Caring in a Theory of Nursing Ethics., Gilligan, Carol. Two Perspectives of Care: Confucian, Lijun, Yuan. There is not, however, a general consensus on what human flourishing is or how best to achieve it. However, when small businesses serving the health care industry place more emphasis on profit, they risk losing their integrity. Some claim Bentham committed the 'naturalistic fallacy' of deriving Other definitions of care provide more precise delineations. Gilligan also expanded her ideas in a number of articles and reports (Gilligan, 1979; 1980; 1982; 1987). However important the issue under investigation psychologists need to remember that they have a duty to respect the rights and dignity of research participants. They tend to define care as a practice partially in order to stay mindful of the ongoing empirical (if misguided) associations between care and women, that must inform utopian visions of care as a gender-neutral activity and virtue. Jake sees the Heinz dilemma as a math problem with people wherein the right to life trumps the right to property, such that all people would reasonably judge that Heinz ought to steal the drug. The Liberation of Caring: A Different Voice for Gilligans Different Voice., Ruddick, Sara. The moral theory known as the ethics of care implies that there is moral significance in the fundamental elements of relationships and dependencies in human life. Ethics of Care - Strengths and Weaknesses strengths: recognizes weaknesses in moral theories and emotions in moral reasoning Weaknesses: Difficult to define, contexts difficult to identify. An ethics of care makes the nurturing of our immediate communities and the protecting of those closest to us the highest moral obligation. Before considering the pros and cons of the ethics of care approach in medicine, it is important to consider its meaning and origin. ), Herr, Ranjoo Seodu. Care ethics is also applied by other authors to organ transplantation, the care of high risk patients, artificial womb technologies, advanced directives, and the ideal relationships between medical practitioners and patients. In her more recent book Starting From Home, Noddings endorsed a stronger obligation to care about distant humans, and affirms caring-about as an important motivational stage for inspiring local and global justice, but continued to hold that it is impossible to care-for all, especially distant others. However, this type of code would only hurt or harm oneself. Most often defined as a practice or virtue rather than a theory as such, care involves maintaining the world of, and meeting the needs of, ourself and others. Utilitarianism seeks to predict the consequences of an action, which is impossible. Slote develops a strictly gender neutral theory of care on the grounds that care ethics can be traced to the work of male as well as female philosophers. Friedman, Marilyn. Maureen Sander-Staudt Kittay holds that the principles in egalitarian theories of justice, such as those of John Rawls, depend upon more fundamental principles and practices of care, and that without supplementation such theories undermine themselves (108). Typically contrasted with deontological/Kantian and consequentialist/utilitarian ethics, care ethics is found to have affinities with moral perspectives such as African ethics, Confucian ethics, and others. Ruddick explains how the practices of maternal persons (who may be men or women), exhibit cognitive capacities or conceptions of virtue with larger moral relevance. A clear content to judge ethical behavior. Show how an ethics of care functions in a business context. Nothing in an ethics of care requires those participating to preserve every bond. Pleasure minus Pain, Intensity, Duration, results contrary to moral intuitions`. Likewise, lesbian and heterosexual women are differently situated in being able to claim the benefits and burdens of marriage, and are not equally presumed to be fit as care-givers. ). An organizations culture and mission statement also help its employees make ethical decisions. This critique issues caution against uncritically valorizing caring practices and inclinations because women who predominantly perform the work of care often do so to their own economic and political disadvantage. Virtue Ethics sees morality as grounded in a view a. of human nature (to Aristotle the rational and irrational sides in conflict) and b. the social concept of the "good life" (the life fulfilled) which differs from society to society (see relativism weakness). The overseas client youve been sent to do business with is a half brother from your fathers first marriage. Yet she upholds the primacy of the domestic sphere as the originator and nurturer of justice, in the sense that the best social policies are identified, modeled, and sustained by practices in the best families. DISADVANTAGES. Autonomy, Integrity, and Care, Engster, Daniel. Ethics of care seeks to determine whether actions are right or wrong. Can you put each one in your own words? James Rachels, Raja Halwani, and Margaret McLaren have argued for categorizing care ethics as a species of virtue ethics, with care as a central virtue (Rachels, 1999; McLaren, 2001; Halwani, 2003). A quick example dilemma: Theres a flaming car wreck involving your sister and a Nobel Prizewinning medical scientist, and you have the strength to rescue only one of the two. This scope of caring is strongest towards others who are capable of reciprocal relationship. According to Star, care ethics differs from Confucian ethics in not needing to be bound with any particular tradition, in downgrading the importance of principles (versus merely noting that principles may be revised or suspended), and in rejecting hierarchical, role-based categories of relationship in favor of contextual and particular responses. This information will, The organizations code of ethics serves as a guide to its employees when making difficult decisions. It can cohere with what we actually do and think we ought to do, at least in cases like the car accident cited at this sections beginning. Virtue ethics focuses on the character of the individual, rather than on specific actions. Duties of Justice: Duty to distribute pleasure or happiness (or the means . Amy, on the other hand, disagrees that Heinz should steal the drug, lest he should go to prison and leave his wife in another predicament. In the end, this leaves the ethics of care, looking like ethics that only apply to people with specific . Principles that could be regarded as central to care ethics might pertain to the origin and basic need of care relations, the evaluation of claims of need, the obligation to care, and the scope of care distribution. Others include: The Mothers Movement Online, Mothers Ought to Have Equal Rights, the National Association of Mothers Centers, and Mothers and More. Dimitris Theofanidis, Associate Professor in Nursing, International Hellenic University,Thessaloniki, Greece discusses the Greek Health Care System, its strengths and weaknesses. Virtue ethics may seem to avoid some of the apparent flaws of duty-based ethics and of utilitarianism. On this basis Nel Noddings explores the notion of ethical caring - 'a state of being in relation, characterized by receptivity, relatedness and engrossment' ( op. Or it may cause a break between the company offering services and the overseas client demanding a bribe. Within a more traditional ethics, one of the first steps to making a promotion decision is to clear away all the personal stuff before evaluating each employee directly and simply assess his or her professional merits. Engster understands care as a set of practices normatively informed by three virtues: attention, responsiveness, and respect. A critical ethic of care understands the global order not as emerging from a unified or homogeneous humanity, but from structures that exploit differences to exclude, marginalize and dominate. The nurse participates in the advancement of the profession through contributions to practice, education, administration, and knowledge development., A code of ethics is the principles and values that guide the actions of an individual or population when faced with questions of right and wrong. Responds directly to the situation of the agent. Applying it to the promotion question, if theres a member of Oil-Dri saddled by, lets say, a difficulty with alcohol, then that might actually be a positive consideration within care-based thought. She also holds that one cannot care for oneself, and that care does not require any emotional attachment. Held identifies Sara Ruddick as the original pioneer of the theory of care ethics, citing Ruddicks 1980 article Maternal Thinking as the first articulation of a distinctly feminine approach to ethics. Critics challenge tendencies in care ethics to theorize care based on a dyadic model of a (care-giving) mother and a (care-receiving) child, on the grounds that it overly romanticizes motherhood and does not adequately represent the vast experiences of individuals (Hoagland, 1991). She identified two parties in a caring relationshipone-caring and the cared-forand affirmed that both parties have some form of obligation to care reciprocally and meet the other morally, although not in the same manner. Noddings now affirms an explicit theme of justice in care ethics that resists arbitrary favoritism, and that extends to public and international domains. Feminist Ethics: Problems, Projects, Prospects.. In the broadest sense, they define what qualifies as right and wrong, as well as how to promote human flourishing. Other theorists underscore the strategic potential for construing care as a right in liberal societies that place a high rhetorical value on human rights. Within an ethics of care, however, any promotion decisionmore or less any decision at all, for that matteris going to require the subtle, complex, and difficult balancing of many individual and highly emotional situations and circumstances. Liberalism is a principle in Global politics theory that that is based on the hope of diligence, reason and universal ethics and that with the application of this the world will become a more orderly, ethical and cooperative. It also provides recommendations that have been underrepresented, though not absent, in the discussion. However, authors like Marilyn Friedman maintain that even if it cannot be shown that care is a distinctly female moral orientation, it is plausibly understood as a symbolically feminine approach (Friedman, 1987). Thus, even if some women identify with care ethics, it is unclear whether this is a general quality of women, whether moral development is distinctly and dualistically gendered, and whether the voice of care is the only alternative moral voice. Here are the presented strengths and weaknesses of this approach: Strengths of Virtue Ethics 1. 6. The crafting process of the ethics code should involve employees so that there is a total buy-in and for the employee to be willing to abide by it. The nurses can choose the job and shift according to their comfort if the healthcare center allows them to do so. ETHICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Loyalty to the patient, myself and the hospital. On these grounds she surmises that while the one-caring has a moral obligation to care for a stray cat that shows up at the door and to safely transport spiders out of the house, one is under no obligation to care for a stray rat or to become a vegetarian. This culture is girded by a systemic devaluing of interdependence, relatedness, and positive interaction with distant others. As well as abortion, both Susan Sherwin and Rosemary Tong consider how feminist ethics, including an ethic of care, provides new insights into contraception and sterilization, artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, and gene therapy. Gen Z are natural entrepreneurs, with 72 per cent wanting to . An Ethics of Care in Clinical Settings: Encompassing Feminine and Feminist Perspectives., Brabeck, Mary. It helps to maintain the work-life balance. Robinsons analysis expands the sentiment of care to address the inequalities within current international relations by promoting a care ethic that is responsive and attentive to the difference of others, without presuming universal homogeneity. The purpose of the code is to create and maintain a sense of professionalism and give the public a standard to which it can hold a corporation or profession. Research Doc. She notes: The small societies of family and friendship embedded in larger societies are formed by caring relations A globalization of caring relations would help enable people of different states and cultures to live in peace, to respect each others rights, to care together for their environments, and to improve the lives of their children(168). It challenges traditional moral theories as male-centric and problematic to the extent they omit or downplay values and virtues usually culturally associated with women or with roles that are often cast as 'feminine'. Starting from the need to deepen what elements support . One of the earliest objections was that care ethics is a kind of slave morality valorizing the oppression of women (Puka, 1990; Card, 1990; Davion, 1993). As a scholarly discipline, medical ethics encompasses its practical application in clinical settings as well as work on its history, philosophy, theology, and sociology (American Medical Association, 2011). Defining a mother as a person who takes responsibility for childrens lives and for whom providing child care is a significant part of his or her working life, Ruddick stipulates that both men and women can be mothers (40). Daniel Star categorizes Confucian ethics as a virtue ethic, and distinguishes virtue ethics and care ethics as involving different biases in moral perception (2002). Engster develops a basic needs approach to care, defining care as a practice that includes everything we do to help individuals to meet their vital biological needs, develop or maintain their basic capabilities, and avoid or alleviate unnecessary or unwanted pain and suffering, so that they can survive, develop, and function in society (2007, 28). Engster holds governments and businesses responsible for offering economic provisions in times of sickness, disability, frail old age, bad luck, and reversal of fortune, for providing protection, health care, and clean environments, and for upholding the basic rights of individuals. Ethics of care theory weakness EssayGroom. For years, it can be added, this overseas contract has been vital to the companys success. While Robinson doubts the possibility of a more caring world where poverty and suffering are entirely eliminated, she finds that a critical care ethic may offer an alternative mode of response that can motivate global care. But although they overlap, these are discrete fields in that although care ethics connotes feminine traits, not all feminine and feminist ethics are care ethics, and the necessary connection between care ethics and femininity has been subject to rigorous challenge. Discomfort with doing something that seems underhanded may lead the overseas representative to try a different way of keeping the contract going, one thats based less on money under the table and more on aboveboard selling points. An ethics of care humanizes moral decisions, but it threatens tribalism. HELP with essay: "The weaknesses of Virtue Ethics outweigh it's strengths." Virtue Ethics - Aristotle and MacIntyre Religious Studies Ocr Virtue Ethics Aqa religious studies a2 ethics rst3a - free will, virtue ethics, science, et . Most parents trot out the idea of treating all their children identicallythey all get their first car at the same age and so onbut if a sibling has special problems at one stage of their development, theyll normally get special treatment in the name of preserving the family unit. Weakness Does not allow societies to progress. Following in the sentimentalist tradition of moral theory, care ethics affirms the importance of caring motivation, emotion and the body in moral deliberation, as well as reasoning from particulars. Sarah Lucia Hoagland identifies care as the heart of lesbian connection, but also cautions against the dangers of assuming that all care relations are ideally maternalistic (Hoagland, 1988). As it currently stands, care ethicists agree that women are positioned differently than men in relation to caring practices, but there is no clear consensus about the best way to theorize sex and gender in care ethics. The NAADC codes were established to direct the members. She also holds that one cannot care for oneself, and that care does not require any emotional attachment. Duties of Beneficence: "Rest on the mere fact that there are other beings in the world whose condition we can make better." 5. Likewise, sophisticated consequentialists claim that deliberators should go back-and-forth, as circumstances allow, between an 'indirect' sympathy-based deliberation and principle-based deliberation (Railton 1984; Driver 2005 on connecting this to care ethics). Traditionally, ethics features questions about the competing rights of individuals. Both charged traditional moral approaches with male bias, and asserted the voice of care as a legitimate alternative to the justice perspective of liberal human rights theory. Care ethics is widely applied to a number of moral issues and ethical fields, including caring for animals and the environment, bioethics, and more recently public policy. Care ethicists themselves have argued that Kantian Because children are subject to, but defy social expectations, the powers of mothers are limited by the gaze of the others. In particular, Ruddick argues that maternal practice yields specific kinds of thinking and supports a principled resistance to violence. Developing a more stringent obligation to care for animals, Kheel posits the uniqueness of all animals, and broadens the scope of the moral obligation of care to include all individual beings as well as larger collectives, noting that the majority of philosophies addressing animal welfare adopt masculine approaches founded on abstract rules, rational principles, and generalized perspectives. Although care is often unpaid, interpersonal, and emotional work, Engsters definition does not exclude paid work or self-care, nor require the presence of affection or other emotion (32). Maybe the three have never exchanged more than fifty words in a single conversation, or maybe theyre all cousins who meet for family blowouts every two months. Saving him will likely produce future medical breakthroughs in turn saving many others, which means the greater good will be served by dragging him out. Conceptualizing care as a cluster of practices and values, she describes a caring person as one who has appropriate motivations to care for others and who participates adeptly in effective caring practices. In The Ethics of Care, Virginia Held offers a detailed account of the ethics of care, its features and potential as a novel normative theory.The first part of the book is devoted to the definition of care ethics as a distinct theoretical approach that represents an alternative to moral theories such as Kantian ethics and utilitarianism. each situation is different thus the categorical imperative does not work, if you saying lying is morally wrong but a situation suggests that lying is the morally better thing to do one must lie. Cincinnati,, An organizations mission statement is a written declaration of its core purpose and focus, which remains unchanged over time. However, an obligation to care for animals is established when humans make them dependent by providing food or shelter. Fiona Robinson challenges this idea, however, by developing a critical ethics of care that attends to the relations of dependency and vulnerability that exist on a global scale (Robinson, 1999). Other factors of social identity, such as ethnicity and class, have also been found to correlate with care thinking. What are the three major steps an ethics of care takes away from most traditional theories? They are optimistic that feminist versions of care ethics can address the above concerns of justice, and doubt that virtue ethics provides the best normative framework. Starting from the presumption that women enter the practical domain of moral actionthrough a different door, she ascribed to feminine ethics a preference for face-to face moral deliberation that occurs in real time, and appreciation of the uniqueness of each caring relationship. The Realtor code helped establish professionalism and integrity for the real estate industry. Realm of ethical philosophy our energy naturally on the foundational principles of self-interest virtue ethics philosophy suffers from of.

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strengths and weaknesses of ethics of care