how to know if your ancestor altar is working

Retrieve the stories from your family. An item they enjoyed using during their lifetime, or an heirloom and a family book, are good choices. What do you feel? Rising smoke forming two columns means loss of sanity. Likewise, while I think a quiet and calm area of the house is ideal for an ancestor altar, it can be created just about anywhere youd like. Do they remember their parents working with the Bible that way? My two concerns that are making me pause for now are: 1: Will they expect me to deliver on requests that I cant give because of my mores like meat (Im vegan) or tobacco smoke (I have children in the house and dont smoke)? It is believed that honoring our ancestors was the first religious and spiritual form of ritual work. Alternatively, you may choose to create a permanent ancestor altar if you plan to work with your ancestors more frequently. Handmade spiritual tools can take up to 7 days to ship. It's always nice to have a support . Be creative, make it fun. On the subject of earworms Ill say the way it appears my ancestors wish to speak to me is through phantom scents. Some ideas include a bonsai tree, a rubber tree, or a jade plant (crassula Ovata). 304 London NY 10016 This is great information by the way, so first and foremost thank you!! If you have no photographs of your ancestors, and cannot get to their graves, you can use a personal possession of theirs instead: a piece of jewelry, a tobacco pipe, a favorite book, etc. Makes your melee attacks have a chance to deal extra Physical damage. You have very clear and to the point instructions/suggestions and I absolutely love it. But we also recognize our immortality, through them, we come to learn and accept that there is life after death. If so, this video will explain to you some common things that happen once you've established a consistent altar practice.FREE Spiritual Growth Course Linkage Manual: How to Find Your Gods \u0026 Goddesses Using Numerology (Paperback \u0026 Kindle available on Amazon) http://salimyers.comOnline Store http://EL9SHOP.COMWORK WITH ME:Spiritual Mastery Accelerator Program I do hope these help! Hi Miss Michaele, is there any way that I can speak with you?? Additionally, our ancestors are still with us. The term root doctor exists for a reason. What to do after the ritual? There are many ways to do this, Susan Starr covers a brief practice in creating a small and personal ancestor altar.3. Thank you. Ancestors were already living with the land and getting the resources to survive from it when they came to this planet first. Its been kind of tough to put it all together of what they would like but its getting easier the more and more I work with my altar. . This is the first altar that I would encourage people new to ritual to begin to work with because its just so incredibly vast and integral to the person you are yet in being as such also often taken for granted to the degree that ones Ancestors are not in the picture at all for many who may even have very active spiritual lives and elaborate practice/rituals. Listen with full attention in your heart, mind, and body for any messages. You know that if you want to pay homage to your ancestors, you must have a medium to communicate with them. This can be seen as disrespectful. Finally, remember that you should be conscious of each time you walk past the altar. The next day, dismantle the altar and place one of the books on the clean surface, draping the white cloth over it. Put together an altar or shrine that you can centre your practice around. a few people works very well. If you choose to wipe them down, use a little lemon juice mixed into water. Last, the most important thing is a devotional heart, and even the most elaborate rituals are in vain without a devout soul! Just throw it away. An ancestor altar is a way to honor and give reverence to your ancestors and loved ones; to honour their lives, and the paths they paved before us. Connecting with our ancestors can literally change, protect, and better our lives on a substantial . (There are no ultrasound photos, nothing). For example, if it is a fruit with skin, you need to peel off the skin. Finding my craft has felt so much like coming home, to a home I didnt know I had! And your ancestors will be happy to have a physical place to visit. Kongo Sun Wheel. Cigarettes, Chewing Tobacco, Cigars, and other Tobacco Products. Quotes like "Walk like you have 3000 ancestors walking behind you" and "Respect your ancestors, for you're the result of a thousand loves". Buffs other Toxified pieces of gear, increasing their effect by 100%. As mentioned previously, one of the first ways to connect with your ancient ancestors is to study ancient history. It is a space to honor and pay respect to those who made it possible for you to be alive. It provides light to chase away the darkness and warmth to chase away the cold. There are only three rules when it comes to honoring your ancestors at an altar and they are: 1) Never put images of live people on the altar, 2) don't add salt to the altar and, 3) don't neglect the altar. This will be your ancestor altar or shrine. Set up an ancestor altar, offer some tributes, ask them questions with a devout heart, connect with your ancestors and ask for their help. My parents are but they are in a mausoleum. Perhaps you will live your life feeling lost from time to time, but dont worry. Likewise, you can add your ancestors favorite foods or sweets to your altar. It will also remind them they no longer belong in the living world. 6. There are some very inspiring quotes you may have heard about the concept of our ancestors and how they watch over us. Other offerings to ancestors include handmade items, poetry, song, artwork, and just about anything youre moved to offer them. Use this altar as a safe space to connect with those ancestors who are willing and able to do the work with you. If youre new to setting up an ancestral shrine, keep it simple when setting up your shrine. I hope this helps, and thank you guys for asking these questions! As to food offerings: If you have a craving for a food you dont normally eat, it might be a request from a family member who has passed. If you want them elevated, but you don't have room/funds for a table, use another elevated surface for a makeshift table. I will then show you which items symbolize which elements. With questions like these, you can calmly and respectfully learn from religious folks about things that carry spiritual power. And id like to know how to channel my ancesters spiritsBecause i have an Great-Aunt whos now passed awayBut she had a wealth of knowledge in Cinjure & Rootwork.I was visited in a dream and was shown where a piece if her jewelry was It was a ring that she wore on her finger That was supposed to have been given mebut cousin gert passed away before giving it to me.She lived in New Orleans, La And was well knownAnd I want to channel her spirit to help aid me in my endeavors.Please help! Dear Miss Michaele, I have not yet built my altar, but for the past couple of days my Grannys favorite song keeps coming to me. I appreciate your thoughts, even though Im pretty sure this is a vague conceptualization. An amazing article Miss Michaele! I feel so relived to know that I was hearing them after reading this. Can your ancestor alter be outside? If you're using it for ritual or spellwork, you will complete that work at your altar. Lele, have you read Martin Colemans Communing with the Spirits? After I set everything back on, I invite my ancestors presence back to the space. Fresh flowers are nice, as are frankincense incense & a fresh cup of coffee - or perhaps a shot of rum (or whatever drinks they liked in life.) This post is designed to be a quick, multi-tiered guide on the . I read Queen Afua's book first, and she introduced me to using an altar as a way to set positive intentions and direct spiritual energy toward positive . Creating an ancestor altar that you regularly work with is a powerful ritual that powers spirit work. Very fortunate to have found this site. If you dont have photos of your ancestors, things that represent them and link you to their energy work great. It serves as a reminder that your ancestors are present. Ideally, you would research your tradition and how ancestors are honored in your religious practices. Learn their lifestyles, careers, likes, dislikes, patterns, dispositions, love lives, if they died tragically, etc. When you're doing this type of work, your intention is everything. I don't know about you, but the very thought . Traditionally, what are some ways your culture venerates those who have gone before us? Do not leave old food on an altar. Keep at least . Truthfully, I have only recently started my journey in ancestor work, but Ive found that it has the potential to teach me a great deal about myself and my craft. Because a messy and dirty place is a disrespect to your ancestors. Can it be changed around or does it need to be kept a certain way? I have cats who might get into a glass of water. Right now I feel like they are keeping me up! I take everything off, dust the altar and my supplies, then cleanse using smoke or blessed water/spray. Samhain is about honoring the dead. Do you have a practice of ancestor veneration? FOOD DISPOSAL:Food should be disposed of by the very next day. Luckily, there are other records you can find! The lyrics, or an associated memory, may reveal what they want or it may be the music itself that they want to hear. Oftentimes, these plaques are on concrete sidewalks. You can spend time meditating and honoring them instead of spending effort rearranging a space each time you use it anymore. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Read and research about ancient civilizations, for example Ancient Egypt, the Celtic Empire, the Mayans, the Romans, Greeks, Nubians, Aborigines, Hebrew, etc. Get a clear glass that stays on the altar for water. And regular offerings are a great way to grow closer to them. If so, may I place my ancestor photos on the altar with Oshun? No matter what your ancestor altar looks like, its a good practice to keep it clean and fresh. When it comes to where you place your Altar, its really about where YOU feel Its best. This may be a silly question, but my family (both sides) are very Christian so I am unable to speak to them concerning these matters. A quiet and undisturbed space is necessary. In certain traditions and religions like Wicca, there may be a set pattern to follow; however, if youre solitary and doing this on your own set it up how you like! So the above is all about the altar of our ancestors. They already know you and want to work with you, something you should never take for granted with Deities. This article was so extremely helpful, thank you so much!! Have no truck with hoodoo. A special kind of scent of cooking food, someones home, or perhaps someones favorite perfume. About this app. Thank you! Or do they have to be separate? It's also a place for them to gather. But most of all, its a reminder that our ancestors are always present in our lives. If you can only set up in the bedroom, at least ensure you are not disturbed during the ceremony. Can I put it into my office? What you must make sure is that your cloth should be able to hold all your items. Many cultures practice a form of ancestor veneration. The first thing you need to do when setting up an ancestor altar is to clean up the space. For todays post, I wanted to focus on establishing an ancestor altar and what Ive learned so far. The first time you set up your ancestor altar, provide offerings and invite your ancestors to this sacred space. Im a beginner . To be Heathen is to be an animist, meaning that in addition to worshipping the Gods and Goddesses, we also honor our deceased ancestors as well as the land wights. This post is designed to be a quick, multi-tiered guide on the offerings you can provide on an ancestor shrine or altar. You can also perceive your ancestors instructions by observing the smokes shape. Speak to them when you need guidance. ITEMS ON ALTAR:remember whatever you place on the altar is not something that you should continue to wear or use. Knock three times and call out their names (if you know the names). Some altars are permanent places of honor and others are temporary only making their appearance for special times of honor. I smell it at home, in the car, even now that ive moved to another city and for some unexplained reason, no one else smells it, except me. Put your ancestors favorite foods on a plate. If you dont even have that, you can over a period of time call the spirit of your ancestors, even if they are unknown to you, into ordinary dirt. Because your cloth is the base ground of the altar, you want to ensure that all your soul exchanges are around this base ground. I need to know. Begin by inviting your ancestors to "sit" at your altar. They'll look after it, and keep an eye on the goings-on around them. Sit quietly and be in the energy of Spirit and your ancestors. Find brands that you know passed family members used if you know them. This will be my first time, I dont have table yet. The air element grants perception and insight. So on the 20th of last month I was doing a bit of last minute running around before a flight I had to catch out of town and directly in between the oil store where I have recently started visiting for essential oils and dvds and the nail salon I have recently started visiting for my nails and eyebrows, there is a (for lack of better terms) a botanical store where you can purchase many different spiritual artifacts. So, I rented a 55 storage unit specifically for this and nothing else. Over time, your ancestors will begin to tell you what offerings they prefer and what they dont. Alternatively, if you are at a stump, I would suggest asking your ancestors what they would have you do. There are different methods of cleansing your altar, including smoke-cleansing, asperging, or simply wiping the surface and tools with a cloth. After you have your dirt, and attractive container, and your statue, leave offerings just as you would for an ancestor known to you, as described above. Show respect as you approach the altar and prepare to communicate with your ancestors. Our ancestors arent just our blood line. Once their debts have been paid your ancestors will start to help you more with the things you need in the form of sending you blessings. Learn how to set up your ancestor altar here with our step-by-step process. Dont forget to cleanse your ancestor altar every once in awhile. What you do is approach the altar, knock three times, call on the ancestors and tell them who you are. Remember always to respect our ancestors so they can guide us to a happy future. I have a marine spirit Ring to attract money please can you help me to activate it and how to talk to him. They also impact the state of existence of our children and grandchildren. So, if you cant find a space in your home for this, then its totally fine if you choose to set one up for Samhain in your room. Firstly, Id like to say that what you choose to include in your ancestor altar is entirely up to you. Whether you're a beginner or already have an altar you work with, you'll find inspiration and direction that can help support your spirit work and ancestral work. Burning ancestral money also helps dissolve financial debt that they incurred while being alive. Let your altar be a place that inspires you. Start small with an ancestor altar and offerings. Light a candle and tell them its in their honor. 3. As you develop a consistent practice with your ancestors, allow them to speak to you. Just throw it away, either before you go to bed orthe next morning. You can welcome them into your home by leaving them offerings. Use your best discernment. I have a question, though. Or is this your first ancestor altar? No phones, remotes, computers, TVs, appliances, etc. Take a few deep breaths, center yourself and then invite your well ancestors to join you at the altar. Sometimes people erect ancestor altars outside of the home, and sometimes the grave acts as an ancestor altar. I prefer to keep my ancestors at the forefront and make their photos the central focus, then I build around that. Once you have it up, this is the space where you will commune with your ancestors, pray to them, honor them, and offer gifts to them. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. Once youve decided on a surface and gathered your supplies, its time to cleanse. Especially steps to take to remove offerings of food and drink when its needed to be done. If your ancestral line is active at night, they might keep you up. You might find that they ask you for specific things as your bond strengthens. How do you know if your ancestor altar work is working? Some of these items may cause you to actively sit with your ancestor altar, or tend to the items on a daily basis to ensure items do not spoil. The exchange becomes a 2-way relationship. Ancestor altars may vary from place to place, but look closely, and you will see that they are all made up of the same elements. For water, be sure to refresh the glass regularly. NaKeia, Im sure she is! Over time, youll learn what your ancestors appreciate most. But its not always about learning, sometimes its simply about honor. Ask if they remember anything their parents might have done to treat common illnesses, predict the sex of a baby, plant better crops (youll find a rich source in the Farmers Almanac). Ask your grandparents to exclude any nasty ancestors from your circle. Do not let food spoil on the altar. If you need to hide your altar in plain sight it can be as simple as photos on the wall hanging above a table with a candle, incense, and flowers. Its OK to get your BMW on (Bitch, Moan, Whine). Speak out loud or in your mind, it doesnt matter. Creating an ancestor altar is the first step in getting to know your ancestors. Light the incense. I would like to create an ancestral altar as well as one for OSHUN. Create a suitable environment for the arrival of the ancestors. As you set up this simple altar, ask her to send you things that would represent her as she would like you to know her. 2. Go over the lyrics of the song and see if they are a message from her either a request for the design of your altar, or a recommendation for your life. For me, flowers and herbs are my go to. that will be used solely for the purpose of honoring your ancestors. The Clan of Tara: Ancient Ancestry and Mitochondrial DNA, Bastet Altar: How to Set Up An Altar for the Egyptian Cat Goddess. If you offer gifts of food, leave it for an appropriate amount of time and then dispose of it. I started with my ancestor veneration practice in the spring of 2022. Different spiritual traditions have different rules about relationships with the dead but I would say that any of the dead who loved you when they were alive and have been friendly in your dreams deserve a place on your ancestor altar. But if you have limited space in your home, you can set it up on a relatively quiet and wide enough platformfor example, a dresser, a solid heavy table, or above the fireplace. If you are ever so inclined, work with and talk to your ancestors about any small special offerings in that can be included. You can also use your own carefully selected pebbles or crystals. Before picking any side, you need to investigate and find the true identity of the creature. A shrine is another name for an ancestor altar. Hi Ms Michaele. Or, you can go as elaborate as you like with an entire room dedicated to your altar. The Nationwide Gravesite Locator can help you find burial locations of veterans. Creating an Ancestor Altar. Other trinkets, mementos, and objects that represent your ancestors. When putting food on the altar, I have a specific chipped plate that I do not use and only use for the altar. Get names and pictures. It also ensures that those who came before us are never forgotten and are strong enough to continue to protect and guide us. So if you put food on the altar, you must get rid of it the next day. Ancestral customs abound in the Northern Tradition (those cultures that had a common worship to Odin/Woden from Ancient Germania, to Scandinavia and Anglo . They give guidance and may even take a stronger hand in things as necessary. It is usually built in a higher place, such as a table or a fireplace. Since their Here are ten ways to connect with your ancestors. While they can guide you, its just as important to simply honor and respect our ancestors. Now you can do this for one ancestor in particular, or encompass them all in one altar, either way this is your choice. Click the link above to read our full policy. Dont leave any dirt on the altar. My bloodline ancestors are pretty quiet. Are there certain motifs or items that represent your family? The pictures I have are the ones I and my partner known personally. In a year or so, your ancestors, known and unknown, will have found you and your altar and will be ready to stand by you. Finally, remember that you should be conscious of each time you walk past the altar. My grandfather was well skilled in rootwork for most of his adult life and ive been told for years that the gift was passed on to me. I had a very brief conversation with the cashier and long story short, she mentioned setting up an ancestor alter for me. This way, you wont be overwhelmed when the ritual begins. Thats all there is to it. This Copyright 2021-2022 Ritual+Vibe. Maybe you want to bring their values into your daily life . 7. An ancestor altar (or shrine) can be set up specifically for Samhain. Its a relatively new development. It is a very ancient element that contains powerful energy. It's close enough, and the spirit may guide you there. (As you probably know, I love houseplants. Ancestral crops/agriculture like cotton and sugarcane are nice additions if your ancestor table calls for it. When you feel sad, ill, or in need, stand at your ancestor altar and call on your ancestors. Your email address will not be published. Sincerely invite his spirit to come to you and establish a connection between you. Without their exploration of this planet in the early days, we would not be here and living a convenient life. Thank you for offering clear, concise and succinct advice to help people set up a area in their home that is likely to quite quickly become of great significance and importance to them in ways they had not ever imagined or envisioned. But also speak with them just to honor them, to get to know them, and to be inspired by them. And souls will, in turn, help you eliminate all the depression and worries of reality. This can be done with incense, full moon water, or any method you desire. Do you have an ancestor or deity altar and want to know if it's "working"? Before placing it on the altar, purify the place with sage. I leave offerings of flowers, incense, or moon water. Construction of the Ancestor Shrine. Create an ancestor altar, and really work with your ancestors, or focus on a relative. I thank you for protecting me, my family and my home. An ancestral altar can be simple or elaborate, but above all, it should be sacred. These are our roots; why wouldn't they be on the floor? With your hands open a bubble surrounding the altar and you. What makes the most sense to you? My advice is to start with what you have and build from there. Optionally, cast a circle, invoke the elements or call the quarters. Why You Should Work With Your Ancestors. I also have a book, which details one particular branch of my family tree pretty far back. The SatinSays Ancestral Spirit . This is a great set of questions to consider if youre wondering why ancestor work is valuable for your practice. They are woven into our DNA. When you invite your ancestors to engage, you can source from their wisdom and experience. Both past and future sight are necessary, and both are anchored . Find an area in your home besides your bedroom (unless you have no other place available,) and cleanse that area with Florida Water or Holy Water. This was so thoroughly written and I appreciate that. So if you wish to include memories of an old friend or pet, they are a part of your ancestral lineage. Liquids can be poured into the earth as a libation. Firstly, when getting started with ancestor work, you may not know the names of your ancestors. The obvious point is that they gave us blood and life. Burning ancestral money also helps dissolve financial debt that they . Your ancestors surround the altar you have built, and you want them to be part of your daily life. Unstable foundations reflect wrong communication and represent unrest and trouble. Congratulations! If that didn't make sense, then I guess the message isn't for you. What really matters is the energy and intention that goes into making it. Wear or use mind, and even the most elaborate rituals are in vain without a devout!... Is a disrespect to your ancestors draping the white cloth over it someones home, and objects represent. Altar work is working instead of spending effort rearranging a space each you! As mentioned previously, one of the books on the altar, provide offerings and invite your will... 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how to know if your ancestor altar is working