persona 5 royal confidant availability calendar

Batting Cage Social (afternoon of 2/2, accept her SMS message). Classroom Answers +3. When your team arrives, use the first round to rearrange the party as you want. It is not possible to get all the Thieves Den Objectives while getting everything else, although, by following along with the schedule, you will end up completing a fair few. Question: (How numerous they are), (The Eight Million Gods). In the middle of the corridor there is a grappling hook point that brings you directly to the Will Seed, and a Red Shadow; in the Laundering Room area, after crawling through a vent you will find yourself outside of the main corridor. Shadow Kaneshiro (Bael) Follow the tutorials until the first "mini-boss" of the game. Consultant Arcana Gallows (Priestess +3 and Star +3). Persona 5 Royal Gonna max some confidants. These will last for the rest of the game; Read Tidying the Heart in the metro (17/46), Go to Shibuya Underground Mall and buy the. Starter Customization: Allows you to customize your gun and install upgrades. Go to Kichijoji and buy the Watercolor Postcard from the Stationery Store; Play the game Punch Ouch (4/7) and use the Technique, Solve the crossword puzzle downstairs: the answer for this is Christmas, Go to Yongen-Jaya Movie Theater and watch the movie Merry Christmess (14/18). You must buy and give them gift items to ensure that they will rank higher when you spend time with them again. Quality incense that strengthens the heart. Due to the limit of Personas you can carry at a time, it's expected to have a set of Personas used for fighting and another set used in the day-to-day sim life. 1. Large vial of liquid. Sae Niijima's Confidant doesn't have any benefits, but players will know they're on the right track if the Judgement Confidant is climbing up the Ranks. Increases Persona's Magic by 2. Prometheus Raises accuracy/evasion for all allies for three turns. Charismatic Speech: Allows you to form contracts with higher-level Shadows. During the battle, he will use Maziodyne, Charge, Heat Riser, and his signature move Hassou Tobi, which is an AoE physical attack that hits 8 times. Persona 5 Royal Persona Compendium (Persona and Arcana List). Go to Shibuya Underground Mall and work at the Flower Shop, Solve the crossword puzzle downstairs: the answer is Finals. Large vial of liquid. He has One-Shot Kill and can Charge and buff himself. Confidants are ranked up in a number of methods, as follows: Igor's Confidant line ranks up automatically over the course of the game. He has no resistances or weaknesses, although he is susceptible to all ailments except Despair, but will recover from them in 2 turns. After defeating the Shadow, backtrack a little bit and go through some pipes and generators to the right of the corridor. List of Disaster Shadows Go up the new staircase and you will be in a new room with a grappling hook point in the middle. Read the book Billiards Magician (21/46) during class; Yakisoba Pan and Autumn Bread are available today in the School Store; Read the book Cry of Cthulhu (22/46) in the metro. RELATED: Persona 5 Royal: How to Increase Proficiency. It's extremely important that you keep his attack debuffed at all times by using Tarunda or Debilitate, keep your HP full during the entire fight, and use your most powerful skills. After Rank 6 Ryuji will send you an SMS regarding a scene that will need to be completed in order to progress the Confidant line further. You will automatically start a new Confidant; Interact with the coffee siphon in LeBlanc and brew coffee, Solve the crossword puzzle downstairs: the answer is Japanese. You will have 10 minutes to reach him and start the boss fight. That amount will come naturally by completing all requests while killing all the enemies in between; Make sure you have a Priestess, Temperance, Faith, Justice, Star, and Emperor Personas before leaving; Make sure Joker is at least level 27 before leaving; Use the DVD in your room to watch Jail Break. Harisen Recovery: Chance to cure status ailments inflicted upon party members. Explore this area to find a lever that activates the other elevator. Ann Takamaki Today is the second chalk throw in the game and again, you don't need to dodge it; Yakisoba Pan is available today in the School Store; Head to Shibuya Station Square and speak with the politician; Go to Shibuya Central Street Bookstore and buy the book, Go to Untouchable and talk with Iwai to get the gun. When this happens, guard with everyone; Solve the crossword puzzle in the booth seat downstairs: answer Black. A Persona like Clotho can use this skill. Get request "The Bark and Bite of a Bully" the next day. Ironically, Yoshizawa doesn't need to be Rank 5 by 12/22 to get the true ending, but she will if players want her second and third-tier Personas. Hifumi Togo Star Confidant icon means they're ready to Rank Up, but they don't have time to meet with Joker. Infiltrate Kamoshida Palace and free him from a prison cell. True Justice: Cooperate as comrades who fight for justice and seek the truth. Sleuthing Instinct: Chance to reveal one enemy affinity at the start of battle. The normal Protein gives the smallest bonuses. Captain Kidd Because he can't be hurt by physical attacks, don't bring party members that excel in it like Ryuji and Yusuke. (Meeting him in. Persona 5 Royal introduces a third semester, greatly expanding on January and early February's schedule, and the protagonist's free time in the process. Infiltration Tools: Allows you to craft basic infiltration tools. This boss is weak to both fire and bless attacks so have Joker and Ann Baton Pass to each other to do heavy damage. It's not necessary to learn all the skills from all the Personas since that would take a long time; It's impossible to know for sure how much players will grind and what skills they will learn so only the skills that the Personas start with or really important skills are shown in the table, If you are following this, you will need to also follow. ), I find myself worried I dont know if Im building my stats right!! Mishima's Desperation: Increases EXP earned by backup members. Eventually, the Phantom Thieves will get an Ability that lets them take an attack meant for Joker. When that happens, use Guard. VIP Treatment: Reduces the amount of money needed for Special Treatment. October Kasumis availability is weird. Talk with Jose to get Items to x11 and Money to 130%; When you are ready to leave, make sure you have a Death, Devil, Emperor, Star, Fortune, Hermit, and Justice Personas; Now with Knowledge at maximum rank, you don't need to worry about class questions, TV questions, or crossword puzzles. You can trigger the barrier with a low-damaging skill or item so it won't get in the way of your more powerful spells. This schedule does not intend to do any sort of hand-holding during combat segments or story progression. From now on, always use "the technique" when playing Retro Games, there is no downside to it; You should be broke as a joke so lets go to the Palace; In this Palace there is another Treasure Demon, called Queens Necklace (Empress, 15), dont forget to capture it. The Samurai Killer on the other hand has no weaknesses, he can be inflicted with status ailments like shock and freeze, so use Technical Attacks against him. The fact that he summons other shadows actually makes this fight easier as using those shadows to get Baton Passes and 1-Mores will do major damage when attacking the boss. Morgana Magician Confidant Don't use All-Out-Attacks because the boss will recover from the ailments instantly and attack back. Go to Shibuya Central Street and pay for the annual subscription of the DVD Rental Shop; Go all the way back to the school and study in the library. Go to Shibuya Underground Mall and buy the Book Cover from the Japanese Sundries Shop; In the Backstreets, enter the Supermarket and buy the Moon Dango; Go to Kichijoji and talk with the man in the alley. Fusing Personas will increase the chance of the next fusion failing, sacrificing Personas will increase the chance of the next sacrificing failing, and summoning any Persona will increase the chance of failure if you do anything that involves the Persona you just summoned; The chance of failure also increases when you do the same action multiple times, for example, sacrificing the same Persona over and over everytime there is a new Fusion Alarm. You will have to fight him twice in this Palace. Holy Grail Large vial of liquid. Eternal Lockpick Save the game, go to the same place you want in both afterschool and evening, and reload; As a reminder, these objectives are not required for the Platinum, By this point you should have all the trophies except for the ones tied to the end of the story. Every Persona will give different items and every sacrifice requires "ingredients" called Black Items, Black Kogatana lets you sacrifice a Persona for a melee weapon. Special Treatment: Allows you to pay a lot of money to create Personas of a higher level. I was supposed to reach 10 with Ann but I dont have enough points. Hecate Priestess Arcana Eventually the game will give you an option to throw an expensive item to distract the boss, that in exchange, wont attack for a few turns. Robot Haru is the last part of this fight and she doesnt hit hard but will self-destroy when you do a bit of damage to her. You'll get access to the Velvet Room when you need to progress Faith again, so no worries, just fuse a Faith arcana persona and talk with her each day she's available, as shown in our schedule below. William You can't do anything during this period. The official complete guide to uncovering everything in Persona 5 Royal. Information about these weapons can be viewed in the Special Enemies table. 1/2: "Yeah, they do." High Arcana Burst: Increases the EXP bonus granted by Arcana Burst. There is a new doll to be found in the Akihabara Arcade, play it to get. He is only susceptible to a couple of status ailments, including Sleep, so use it to set up Technical Attacks and do the most damage. Quiz Show This battle introduces Makoto and can be dangerous because of the two Chivalrous Fiends that fight alongside the boss. While in rat form, you can't do anything and you will take major damage. You can also use items like the Straw Doll or skills like Dormina to set up Technical Attacks. Make sure you have it on Saki Mitama, Bicorn, or Ann; Boss Suguru Asmodeus Kamoshida: keep him under Tarunda at all times, Rakunda can also be quite useful. He also has Magarula and Mabufula. Ranks 6-10 will be unlocked if players unlock the third semester. 1. There is a grappling hook point nearby that will lead you back to the safe room upper area. After that, examine the books near the yellow phone; Some days, the protagonist will be able to secure a place to sit while riding the train. But her Confidant only begins after you take care of the following: Go to the Shinjuku red-light district to talk to her. During the interrogation you must deny the involvement of your friends, if you sell them out the bad ending will trigger, Play the game Featherman Seeker and use "the Technique", Play the game Featherman Seeker (3/7) and use "the Technique". Go to the Velvet Room in Shibuya Central Street and fuse Genbu and Succubus to get Kushi Mitama (Councillor, 12); If you are not following the fusion path you will need to fuse Genbu first. Makoto Niijima Priestess Confidant He is another optional boss but defeating him is not required for any trophy. The following evening, meeting Chihaya will . Head to Shibuya Central Street and enter the Big Bang Burger; Starting today and until the last day of August, there are two summer-only items available once a week. Learn the ways of the trickster and partake in a royally-upgraded RPG experience. The items needed are called Black Items, and they are: Black Kogatana (weapon), Black Robe (armor), Black Rock (accessory), Model Gun (gun), and Blank Card (Skill Card). Go to the temple in Kichijoji and meditate. If it isn't enough to kill him before the preparation to his big attack ends, make sure to Guard with everyone or use a Persona that blocks or repels physical, otherwise it will wipe your team. There will be no more DVDs to watch from now on; Go to Shibuya Central Street and talk to the Twins (10/13). Don't let your HP drop too low because Megido can catch you by surprise and kill you. Inside you will find the same enemies you do in the main Palaces with a few extras. Players will need Considerate-leveled Kindness (level 2). The other characters need to use physical or guns to do damage. Available: At any time you can access the Velvet Room. OR "Is that what you think?" The boss itself is weak to Nuclear, but All-Out-Attacks won't come easily since Chivalrous Fiends can't be knocked down without a lucky critical. By having a Persona of that Arcana, players will get an extra Confidant Point by selecting the right responses or giving gifts. Doing so results in a bad ending. You will automatically hang out with Mishima; The Moon is one of three Confidants that doesn't need a matching Persona for any rank; The Relaxation Set gives x1 item that cures all status ailments, x3 that cure Rage, Despair, Brainwash, Fear, Confuse, and x3 that cure Dizzy, Forget, Sleep, Hunger. If you are not buying the summer-only items, the Soothing Soba is at the Shibuya Central Street Convenience Store; Today is story events only, you can't do anything. Availability. +2. Toranosuke Yoshida Availability Yoshida's confidant can be progressed towards as early as May 6th. Agnes During this phase, just worry about surviving. You guys removed Takemis Confidant Guide link from the side list. This is not a rank up and the first requirement for his room decoration; Chunky Katsu is available at the Fried Food Shop over in Kichijoji, Solve the crossword puzzle downstairs: the answer is Halloween, Use the DVD in your room to watch 31 (11/12). Having a Persona that resist or blocks physical attacks is recommended. Judgement Arcana Stealth Dash: Makes you less likely to be found in the Metaverse while dashing. Buy the SP Recovery items from the vending machines and the summer-only items; The school is closed because of summer vacations so you can't get the items there, Go to Kichijoji. Endure: Chance to withstand an otherwise fatal attack with 1 HP remaining. Just a suggestion: Alongside the unlock date you should have a column noting whether or not a confidant becomes unavailable for an extended time or must be maxed by a certain date. Repels Physical and Elec. Giving something to a Confidant is only possible when you are spending time with them but not ranking up, The next visit to Mementos will be during a Pollen Warning, which means that Shadows have a chance to ask for Wide Eye Drops during the negotiation and they will be captured automatically. These objectives are not needed for any trophy. The same way that teachers ask different questions at school, on specific nights, there will be crossword puzzles to solve in the booth seat closer to the stairs inside LeBlanc. The boss has Brave Blade and Heat Wave, two high-damaging physical attacks. Depths of Mementos The free time has been mildly rearranged in comparison to the original Persona 5. If players get the third semester, they'll have until February 1st to complete Confidants (excluding Yoshizawa, Maruki, and Akechi). If not, we will have to buy it. Seth with High Counter (Hypercounter in Japanese Version). November Weather Conditions Though initially skeptical of Joker's belief that destiny can be rewritten, Chihaya later strikes a deal with Joker when he proves fate can be changed. Give him the Exorcism Water and get a, Chunky Katsu is available at the Fried Food Shop in Kichijoji. Mishaguji Missing a single action, especially regarding stat increases, Confidant ranks, and items marked as, We won't be accepting invitations to play darts or go to the Jazz Jin since these aren't unique events. For starters, Persona 5 has a very Persona 3 feel to it. He guards the Blue Seed of this Palace and has the skill God's Hand, a severe damage physical attack, and the skill Hama that can insta-kill anyone in the party including Joker. It serves as a major mechanic in the Daily Life system. He has Maeigaon, Mudoon, and can use Rakunda against you. Choose to study. Of course, if players are hoping to get through Confidants quickly, they'll want to choose the best answers. You will automatically go to the Hideout. Use all the small boilie you get for free and try not to miss a single boilie; Buy the Star Mirror from the General Store in Shinjuku; Go to Shibuya Underground Mall and buy the Heart Ring from the Jewelry Store; Choose Asakusa Oshiage and select Nakamise Street, Solve the crossword puzzle downstairs: the answer for this is Illuminate, Go to Shibuya Central Street Movie Theater and watch the movie Clean Hard (13/18). However, to likely prevent the event from intertwining with the prompt where Sojiro lets the protagonist roam Tokyo, there's a free evening on May 2nd. Detox DX: Raises the chance of Detox X succeeding. Always have a Persona in your inventory of the same Arcana as the person you are hanging out with. Large vial of liquid. Today is story events only, you can't do anything; During this infiltration you won't be able to freely explore, just follow the path. Daily Activities Some Confidants will have problems with an outside character that needs a change of heart. In this fight, it is very important to have the skill Tarunda that decreases enemy attack damage. OR "That was our deal." By this point your Anzu should have learned Dekaja. Not every Confidant has useful Abilities. Moon Arcana They only use physical attacks but the damage is quite high, use Tarunda or Debilitate and keep your team healed; Goro Akechi: First he will use his Persona Robin Hood and by now, you should know that his attacks are Bless, Curse, and Severe Physical. Personas fused during the Alarm will get more stats and can change their skills to other ones. For now don't use this perk since money is extremely important this month. Treasure Demons work as a special fusion where the Persona will go up or down the list in their same Arcana depending on their level; Andras, for example, is a level 27 Persona of the Devil arcana that, if fused with the Treasure Demon Queen's Necklace, will result in the next Persona in the Devil Arcana, Lilim at level 32. Chariot Arcana For example, telling a character to "do their best" may give 2 Confidant Points. Orpheus Telos Picaro Todays answer is Villains. No Death Persona needed for this one either; Interact with the table to craft lock picks; Morgana has a chance of saying an efficient use of materials during the crafting cutscene, giving you 1 extra item and one extra Proficiency point while using fewer materials. He uses curse skills as well as Brain Shake that can apply Brainwash, so be ready to cure it with Morgana's Me Patra or by using items. Without any weakness, resistance to ailments and a considerable HP pool you will need to have Tarunda and Rakunda in effect at all times while slowly working on his HP bar. This will save Joker from having to fuse a Persona of the necessary Arcana. 2023 Hardcore Gamer LLC. Go to Shibuya Central Street and rent the DVD. from the Flower Shop. For more details, see. You can encounter multiple Regents in this Palace. Meanwhile, Joker will get the most points with Mishima if they compliment him - even if the player disagrees with Mishima's actions. As a confidants level increases, the player gains access to its unique confidant abilities. World Arcana A Confidant will be put on hold until that change of heart is initiated. Go to Takemi's Clinic and buy 2 Revivadrins, 2 Recov-R 100mg, and 2 Takemedic-All V; Before starting the fight make sure Joker has all basic elemental attacks (fire, ice, elec, and wind) and they cant be the ones that hit all targets, they need to be single target; Boss Ichiryusai Azazel Madarame: Madarame is one of the hardest bosses in the game if not the hardest, and that's for one simple reason, he can hit all your party members' weaknesses in one turn, essentially killing everyone from full HP. Ask Kawakami to wash the Sooty Scale Armor; Go to Yongen-Jaya Movie Theater and watch the movie March of the Lambs (15/18), The Lucky Worker Bag has x3 Physical and Magical Ointments. +3. If Niijima's Confidant doesn't advance to 10, then that means players have done something wrong. Ranking one confidant up to the maximum rank, 10, is required for the trophy True Confidence. Shadow Kamoshida (Asmodeus) Buy anything you want but make sure you spend more than 10.000 yen to upgrade to the next rank, Buy the drink from the stand in Shibuya Underground Walway. Having a Persona that, at least, is resistant to physical attacks will make this fight easier. July Hastur After some time, the actual boss Execurobo MDL-ED will appear. In order for these events to be unlocked, he needs to max the Councillor Arcana Confidant with Takuto Maruki. Exam Answers Armor After all the books are in place, a new path will open up; Will Seeds are a new mechanic in Royal, there are 3 seeds to collect in every Palace. Enter the first window and crawl inside a vent to reach a higher area where you can use the grappling hook to get higher; Back inside the castle, when the rooms start to shift, take the elevator down. Invite Makoto to play Darts; Make sure the second game is with someone you didnt play yet. The bonuses are consumable items, Skill Cards that can teach Personas basic spells, and 50.000 yen. Use a combination of Joker, Akechi and Haru skills while Baton Passing to each other. Another thing players will want to keep an eye on are IMs. It is based on RNG and your Proficiency Rank if you dodge it or get hit on the head. Sometimes, Joker will be able to give a gift to them. From now on Kawakami can make coffee and do laundry. Follow up: Chance to perform a follow-up attack if Jokers attack does not down the enemy. Cendrillon Persona 5 Royal features three new and critical Confidants: Councillor, Faith, and Justice. Although it mostly replaces before-unavailable time slots, the otherwise free evening of April 20 is now restricted. December A new area in the city unlocks where we can get more items and a new party member joins the team. Equip any accessories that reduce or repel physical damage or give a chance to dodge it. She also has Bufudyne, Mabufula, and can cast Diarama to heal. Reload until you can make 3, 2 from your craft plus 1 extra from Morgana. Shido can still mix in physical attacks in the middle of the spell order so don't let Joker's HP get too low; Read Essense of Fishing (32/46). Hang out with Ohya, don't forget to bring a Devil Persona; You can go to Kanda and buy items from the priest. The boss has access to Concentrate, Maragudyne, and Vacuum Wave, so it's extremely important that you don't use a Persona that is weak to wind, preferably use one that is resistant or blocks it. +3. On the second round, use Joker to hit Onmoraki with ice and pass to Ann again. All of them only affect one ally, The Bio Nutrients Set gives one Mega Fertilizer earlier than you can buy in town. Futaba Sakura Hermit Confidant Futaba Sakura There is one free day at the end of January that can be used to complete Thieves Den Objectives and any other trophy that you may have missed, like. Jump down from there onto a higher ledge that looks like a ramp. You will find a gate that requires the keycard to open; in the Slot Room at the very far south of this area near a green terminal, climb up some shipping containers and use the grappling hook to go to the higher floor; When you get all the coins you need, go back to the entrance hall and buy the High Limit Card and the other items too; Go to the High Limit Floor and after the scene, leave the palace; Make sure you have a Justice Persona before leaving; Solve the crossword puzzle downstairs: answer Reward. Go to Akihabara and buy a Mystery Stew from the vending machines; Go to Kichijoji and talk with the man in the alley. You can't hit him during the first encounter. Ryuji Sakamoto He can also use Almighty damage that hits everyone, keep your HP high and debuff his attack and defense; When his HP drops below a certain point, Akechi will summon his second Persona, Loki. He has access to Swift Strike, Rampage, Garula, and Tarukaja. By having a Persona of the same Arcana as someone you are spending time with, you will earn extra relationship points, making you rank up faster. Fuse Berith and Hua Po to get Suzaku (Sun, 16), pass on Rakukaja; Fuse Phoenix and Suzaku to get Setanta (Emperor, 25) pass on Rakukaja; Fuse Setanta and Koropokguru to get Anzu (Hierophant, 25). Make sure you have a Faith, Temperance, Emperor, Lovers, and Chariot Personas before proceeding; Solve the crossword puzzle downstairs: the answer is Front. Kamoshidas Palace Third Eye: See things normally invisible to the naked eye by pressing. Below is the calendar followed in Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal. This is the battle to introduce Yusuke, but on the contrary to the other introductory battles, this one is actually a challenge. Otherwise, January and February are followed as per the original Persona 5 schedule.[13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24]. They can also appear at random on every floor and not only on the stairs. There are no story-related events that can prevent activities apart from the last 10 days where we will be restricted to night-only events. Use Agathion and Pixie to get it; Answer the phone message to study with Ryuji, Use the DVD in your room to watch DVD Guy McVer (3/12), The Allergy Relief Pack gives x20 Wide Eye Drops that cure Dizzy plus an accessory that Resists Confuse, The Cosmetic Cure Gift has x2 gifts for Confidants. You need to only use physical attacks against this boss since spells do reduced damage. Salvation Wish: Allows backup members to earn the same EXP as current party members. These challenges are new to Persona 5 Royal and are completely optional. Persona 5 Royal Fusion Calculator by Chinhodado. Depending on what element it lands on, Sae will start using attacks of that type and will be resistant to damage that is not the counter to that type. Increases Persona's Luck by 2. Everyday is listed and has all the information you need in one place, instead of on 12 browser tabs. 1/3: "Kaoru is really strong-willed." If you choose wrong you will have to fight a battle; When you get to the Twilight Corridor you will have to match colors to make bridges appear and create a path; In this area, you will also find the Blue Seed. Sae Niijima's Confidant offers no benefits, but getting hers to Rank Up means that the player is on the path for the Good Ending. You can go to Akihabara Retro Store and get an accessory for beating any Retro Game; Head over to Shibuya Central Street and talk to the Twins (11/13). 2/3: "No, she's not." Go outside of your Classroom 3/F, Shujin Academy. If that happens, escape the fight and try again. You need to get all the orders right, reload the game if you miss any, Muscle Plus Set gives x2 items that raise ATK, x2 that raise DEF, and x2 that raise SPD for 3 turns for one ally, Outdoors Kit gives x3 items that deal low fire damage, x3 that deal low ice damage, and x3 that deal low elec damage. The Shadowed One has no weaknesses and casts Mabufudyne, and the General has One-Shot Kill and Charge. With Persona 5 Royal, players need to spend time with Akechi in order to get the Justice Arcana to Rank 10. Challenge Battles Ranked up by spending time with this character. Kasumi Yoshizawa They are a big help in the early game. The Sweet Delight Set has x3 Strawberry Daifuku that heal HP and SP to full for one ally and x40 items that heal 20 HP for one ally; that halves HP cost of physical skills for anyone that you invite to the Club today; You can also continue to invite Futaba so she upgrades to Support Rate Up, which increases the activation rate of her skills. So if you are not able to pass both Eiha and Zio in this case its because you are slightly underlevel. Each Confidant offers different Abilities for Joker, and sometimes the better Abilities are locked behind higher Ranks. Here is a spoiler-free guide on how to max out her confidant in Persona 5 Royal. This scene is on specific dates only: 4/20, 4/25, 4/27, 5/25, 6/29, 7/1, 7/6, 8/12, 9/21, 10/2, 11/2, 11/4, 11/9, 11/16, 11/30, 12/2, 12/7, 12/9. Mementos Scan: Chance to fully map a floor of Mementos when entering that floor. NOTE: If you do not progress to Rank 5 before 12/24, the remainder of the Faith Confidant line will be locked. Mudo, Hama and Straw Dolls are still an option against the Chivalrous Fiends as well as Technical Attacks. Johanna She upgrades to Support Plus 3 that lets her cast Masakunda, Marakunda, and Matarunda. It's now possible to buy the accessory SP Adhesive 3 from Takemi for 50.000 yen each, this accessory recovers 7 SP every turn for the person using it. Build your relationships in the real world and these people will lend you their strength in the world of shadows. You need to get the order right for this. Outrageous Scoop: Allows you to begin with an even lower Security Level when infiltrating a Palace. Protect: Chance to shield Joker from an otherwise fatal attack. As mentioned, Confidants have different days they are available, and some are only available during the evening. Availability. Go up the ramp and crawl through a vent; When you get to level 49 go back to the Velvet Room; If you are not following the recommended fusion path, you will need to get Tam Lin.

Vanilla Yeast Substitute,

persona 5 royal confidant availability calendar