However, the Weequay's pirate ship Marauder was attacked by General Grievous' cruiser. He carried technical readouts vital to its destruction. The three later traveled to Tatooine, where they were reunited with C-3PO, and then to Geonosis to rescue Kenobi. [80], A week later, R2-D2 was present when the rebels obtained a shipment of weapons from the Sullustan Nien Nunb. [7] During the night, R2-D2 attempted to sabotage an R5 unit named R5-D4 but relented when the astromech droid awoke. After a rough landing, R2-D2 was nearly eaten by a dragonsnake, but was later spat out. In the season 1 premiere he blew up three more TIE-Fighters, so that's 4 kills total. Activating couplers were located immediately beneath shoulder articulation joints at the "top" of the droid's legs, with the joints appearing as concentric circles. Do About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Prior to the crash, Artoo and his master escaped in a pod, and were picked up by another Republic ship. He was even Lukes astromech during the Battle of Yavin. While R2-D2 was repairing the engines, Ahsoka spent time with him and told him that she missed him. Skywalker believed that Solo had slaughtered the dead and taken the survivors with him,[116] but did not witness the lightning storm that destroyed the temple or know the surviving students had pursued Solo. Often finding himself in pivotal moments in galactic history, his bravery and ingenuity saved the galaxy on numerous occasions. Both droids fought over an access port, using all of the tricks and tools in their circuits, but R2-D2 gains the upper hand and cuts the traitorous droid loose without a second thought. However, Bail realized R2-D2's role in Tano's escape after viewing a clip of the security footage in the engine room. [28], After Rey initially failed to convince Luke to help her, Luke was reunited with R2-D2 when he entered the Falcon to mourn the news that Han Solo was dead. [55], R2-D2 rescued C-3PO from the Separatist incinerator, On Pattuna, they were captured by the indigenous Patitites, who brought them before their obese leader Hay-Zu. Date created Ahsoka devised a plan which involved using Artoo and the pirate's tank to distract the Separatist droids so that she and her entourage could infiltrate the pirate's base and free Hondo, who had been taken prisoner by Grievous. volcanic Dying' kills . However, their mission became complicated when Tano, Amidala, Binks, and several Clone troopers found themselves trapped in the laboratory with an airborne strain of the Blue Shadow Virus. She covers entertainment, geek culture, and pop culture and has covered everything from the Sundance Film Festival, NYFF, and Tribeca to New York Comic Con and Con of Thrones. Artoo later accompanied his master and Tano to Mustafar where they managed to rescue the children, following a skirmish with Separatist droids. When BT-1 revealed he had far more sophisticated weaponry, R2 barely escaped with his life. R2-D2 and his allies later attended a victory parade in Theed, though they were unable to be joined by Jinn, as he had been killed by the Sith Lord Darth Maul during the battle. Nachkt traveled to Grievous' secret listening post Skytop Station, which lay in the Ruusan system. Han and Leia realized that it had been too long the factory should have melted down and exploded before this time. R2 helping Anakin brief Shadow Squadron for their mission with his holo-projector. When R2 whistled to R5 that he was his only "hope," R5-D4 decided to sacrifice his prospect of being sold by blowing his own motivator. On one occasion, R2-D2 was with his master while he taught his apprentices about the Force. Taking the word killer more literally now, R2-D2 has the same trigger-happy features, as well as a similar outward appearance, as BT-1 and 0-0-0. R2-D2 and Anakin's Padawan Ahsoka during one of his many Clone Wars missions. While Gascon believed that R2-D2 had perished during the struggle, Skywalker refused to believe this was so and sent salvage teams to scour the wreckage. Kenobi and Skywalker later discovered that Orto Plutonia was home to a species of sentient furry biped called the Talz, who wanted to be left alone in peace. [87], Following their departure from Tatooine, Luke read an excerpt from Ben's Journal[89] while R2-D2 navigated. R2-D2 was with C-3PO at the Rebel Alliance's secret base on Yavin 4 at the time the Alliance Fleet prepared to leave for the Battle of Scarif to help reinforce Rogue One, an unofficial squad that had traveled to Scarif to retrieve the plans for the Galactic Empire's Death Star, a new superweapon capable of destroying entire worlds. R2-D2 was part of the Republic force led by General Anakin Skywalker and Commander Ahsoka Tano that was sent to relieve Ryloth. [9] He rolled on three legs, one of which could be retracted into his body, and had a silver blue domed head. Premiered Jan 10, 2021 190 Dislike Share Save Head Hunter 8.4K subscribers Hey Guys its Head Hunter Here today In todays Video Star Wars R2 D2 Kill Count A resourceful astromech droid, R2-D2. [90], Luke recuperated quickly, reclaiming his lightsaber and leaving the thief in a daze. A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989) KILL COUNT. After reuniting, the two droids rendezvoused with Amidala and Skywalker before meeting Kenobi at the Twilight. [69], During the Battle of Yerbana, while Anakin distracted the droids, R2 waited along with Rex and the clone jet troopers of the 501st legion for the signal. After the battle, R2-D2 and C-3PO were the sole witnesses to the marriage of Anakin Skywalker and Padm Amidala in Lake Country. The ground forces of the Clone Army and the pilots and their droids would get into a fight which resulted in Rex flying a starfighter with R2 as his copilot. The four astromechs were sent out to repair the ship, but only R2-D2 survived the rest were pulverized by stray blaster fire. Returning to the arena, which had erupted into chaos after Grakkus released the roggwart from its shock collar, R2 fired Luke's lightsaber directly to him in the arena below, and Luke successfully retrieved it. Luke spent the subsequent decades rebuilding the Jedi Order,[114] and R2-D2 was with Skywalker at his Jedi temple. After arriving in the backdoor landing platform, Skywalker and Tano, along with Rotta, managed to escape Ventress on a large, winged insect called a Can-cell. [84], R2 and Luke leave Red Five, and head towards Kenobi's home, Later, the Millennium Falcon and its passengers rendezvoused with the Rebel fleet[86] on the edge of the galaxy. After R2-D2 exposed the scam, the Balnabs rebelled against their droid overlords. Soon after R2-D2 is back with Anakin, however, he strikes. The Imperials realized that the rebels were trapped in the garbage chute and proceeded to crush the chamber. R2-D2 repairing the shield generator of Queen Amidala's Royal Starship. R2-D2, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, and Han Solo boarded a shuttle that had been intercepted by the Rebel Fleet several days earlier. According to the List of Deaths Wiki, Armitage Hux takes the top spot based on his awe-inspiring kill count of 155,572,361,721. While searching for survivors, R2-D2 and R8-B7 were pursued and set upon by a pack of gundarks. After launching a decoy ship, the group traveled to the planet Espirion where the Alderaan Flotilla had gathered after learning of Leia's mission to gather them. Enter your ZIP code and share a few details about your current plumbing setup. R2 has Ben Burt to beep and boop his opinion. Instead, he instructed the astromech to return to their Jedi starfighter and contact the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for help. During the battle, Skywalker's starfighter was attacked by buzz droids. Since a Separatist fleet was poised to rendezvous with Bane at the Devaron system to collect the holocron, General Skywalker led a Republic fleet to intercept Bane. However, Luke was interrupted when a Tusken Raider appeared and attacked him. Orphne told the two droids that a mutual balance had previously existed between the Aleena and the subterranean world. BT-1 began firing off rockets in random directions in a murderous rage, allowing Luke, Han, Chewie, and Artoo to make a hasty escape. Believing that C-3PO was a god, the Ewoks attempted to sacrifice Solo, Skywalker, Chewbacca, and R2-D2. After fighting several stormtroopers, R2-D2 and his companions managed to escape Cloud City on the Millennium Falcon. (~32BBY - ) (Currently 67 years old) He is portrayed by Anthony Daniels. [116], R2-D2's determination to deliver the Death Star plans to the Alliance once led him to attempt to sabotage R5-D4 in an attempt to improve his chances of being sold. Anthony Daniels takes the stage at SWCA 2022 | Star Wars Celebration LIVE! Highlights of the Saga: Alderaan Survives! [11], After convincing the Ewoks to fight on their side, R2-D2 and C-3PO took part in the Rebel assault on the Death Star's shield generator the following day. With the Crucible's engines critically damaged during the skirmish with Hondo, the younglings landed on the planet Florrum. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Following the astromech droid's recovery, Gascon personally praised him for his bravery and told D-Squad that he would be honored to work with them again. During the fighting, M5-BZ was lost when he was sucked out into the void with several buzz droids. Mass After Anakin Skywalker fell to the dark side and became a Sith apprentice under the name "Darth Vader," R2-D2 continued to accompany him[19] out of loyalty,[17] but he made sure to warn C-3PO of the changing circumstances when they returned to Amidala's apartment aboard their green Actis-class light interceptor. Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. [7], During the assault, Vader damaged Antilles' starfighter, forcing him to withdraw, and destroyed Darklighter's starfighter, killing him. Hit by Republic fire, the Invisible Hand began descending into Coruscant, with the Jedi and chancellor in it. While traveling to the Dune Sea, R2-D2 was serving drinks when he bumped into C-3PO, who expressed despondence at the situation. Kill Counter / stats tracker :: Dead by Daylight General Discussions Content posted in this community may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. [78], After landing in the Naboo city of Keren, R2-D2 accompanied Princess Leia and Verlaine when they visited the home of Lord Junn, a wealthy Alderaanian expatriate who provided the group with information about the whereabouts of the Melodic Order. He was operated by Jimmy Vee in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, and Hassan Taj in The Rise of Skywalker. Later on, he became part of a droid squadron set on a secret mission to collect a module held by the Separatists. Unlike his fastidious and worry-prone protocol counterpart C-3PO, R2-D2 had an adventurous spirit and was able to cope well under challenging circumstances. Not only was the astromech droid able to successfully rescue his friend, but he also fended off the great Darth Vader long enough to reunite with Luke on the Millennium Falcon. [82] Han Solo also respected R2-D2's skills, despite his personal dislike of most other droids. [32], R2-D2 accompanied Amidala to Coruscant prior to the senate's vote on the Military Creation Act. Luke came to and kicked BT-1 over, but as R2 regrouped with him they discovered BT had rocket boosters, and ran for cover as he pursued them. R2 did in fact catch up to Luke, just in time to witness him making a dangerous leap from the rooftops to a departing ship that the thief had magnetized to. Their arrival coincided with an earthquake and the two droids fell into the tunnel and were separated from the clone troopers and villagers. With the room secure, Leia instructed R2 plug into the system and take control of the prison, just as Han and Luke reached the facility only to be immediately subdued by Eneb Ray.[101]. R2 accompanied Leia's side before she made a final attempt to reach her son, Ben, through the Force. Placing his hand on the astromech's dome, Kenobi quietly told R2 he was happy to fly with him once again. Get the Disney Bundle Using the hijacked AT-ST, the rebels tricked the remaining Imperial troops into opening the shield generator. Ordered to repair a group of droids by the, so that the faction can use them as target practice again, R2-D2 instead talks them into fighting the Death Watch so that Ahsoka Tano can escape capture. [21], After unfreezing the Jedi and clone troopers, R2-D2 waited aboard the shuttle while the strike team freed Master Piell and several Republic officers including Captain Wilhuff Tarkin. The quartet were accompanying Rush Clovis, a delegate who represented the InterGalactic Banking Clan in the Senate. [111], R2 then accompanied his master and Grogu to Ossus, where Luke started building his Jedi Academy. Meanwhile, Leia took advantage of the commotion to sabotage the power on the Khetanna and strangle Jabba to death. However, this was merely a ruse to free Han Solo. Sometime following the events on Vrogas Vas, R2-D2 alongside C-3PO escorted Leia and Sana Starros aboard the Volt Cobra, as they brought Doctor Aphra to be incarcerated at the highly secret Sunspot Prison, a facility closely orbiting a star. Once on the ground R2-D2 met up with C-3PO but, while the group had this initial victory in the Battle of Coruscant, soon the astromech droid would witness the the Great Jedi Purge and the Republic's transformation into the Galactic Empire.[19]. He managed to escape, and delayed them by using debris to block them. On Carlac, R2-D2 was put to work repairing their batch of battle droids, which were used for target practice, and quickly befriended them. Skywalker offered to give R2-D2 and C-3PO as a "gift" to Jabba in return for freeing Han. [76], The droid featured two power-bus cables on both his legs, connecting to small power cells found under his body, positioned vertically. Lost (Series Finale) Lost: The New Man in Charge; Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol; Old Man's War; Pat and Mike's; Person of Interest; Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl; Poisoning Paradise; Ready Player One; Rise of the Planet of the Apes; Seeking a Friend for the End of the World; She-Freak; Slow River; Snakes . Vader began to crush the armored transport using the force, Han told R2-D2 "We need those guns!" But from a certain point of view, R2-D2 is also one of the deadlier killers that the Republic (and later the Rebellion and the Resistance) has to offerand this is in. Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. Artoo managed to hide in a dark alley but surrendered himself after learning that Bane planned to dismantle Threepio. Following Padm's death, R2-D2 and C-3PO passed into the service of Bail Organa of the Royal House of Alderaan, Alderaan's Senator and a good friend of the late Amidala. [38], Learning that the root of the Reeksa plant contained the antidote to the Blue Shadow Virus, R2-D2 along with Skywalker and Kenobi traveled to the planet Iego on the Twilight to obtain the plant. Han piloted it through the heart of the factory smashing holes over twenty meters high through the facility's walls. They attempted to capture R2-D2; however, before they could, the astromech droid blasted the ship into hyperspace and traveled to Coruscant. And the entire time, the Imperial forces have no idea what theyre facing off against, describing R2-D2 as the biggest, nastiest droid theyve ever seen. Even Darth Vader is seemingly unaware that the droid he once owned could pull all of that off. [145] Rex and R2 reprogrammed a B2 super battle droid that they would grow attached to,[146] and at some point Rex was injured.[147]. Clovis was left behind to face a displeased Senator Dod. Later, R2-D2 managed to link up with C-3PO, Leia, and Chewbacca, who had all been freed by Lando. Retellings and media that does not further Jar Jar Binks' story will not be counted. After the shuttle landed in Garel's spaceport, R2-D2 and C-3PO accompanied Minister Tua and a force of stormtroopers to Bay 17. Heavy rainfall compelled R2-D2 to follow them, but ended up peering through an open window as he likely couldn't fit through the doorway. [18], At the Skywalker home, R2-D2 met C-3PO, a protocol droid that Anakin had built. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Serving Padm Amidala 1.2 The Clone Wars 1.2.1 Genesis of the Clone Wars [55], R2-D2 and C-3PO took the opportunity to escape and resume their search for a replacement power unit for their Y-wing starfighter. Chopper has working rockets. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. For her own protection, Padm was sent home to Naboo, with R2-D2 and Skywalker accompanying her. [125] The astromech was present when he tried to rebuild the Jedi Order and was overjoyed to reunite with him on Ahch-To. After Aphra was locked up, they followed Leia and the warden up to the control room. Ahsoka was taken hostage by Bane during the fighting. R2-D2 met Grogu before the three departed from the cruiser. A pair of kouhuns narrowly missed killing Amidala and although one assassin, Zam Wesell, was neutralized, another escaped.[16]. Select it out of your weapon wheel, target the animal normally, then hold down R2/RT while you subdue the animal. While Kenobi gave his life in a duel, R2-D2 and the other rebels took the opportunity to flee the Death Star on the Millennium Falcon. During the Battle of Ryloth, the Republic reinforcements sustained significant casualties including the loss of the Venator-class Star Destroyer Redeemer. Both droids fought over an access port, using all of the tricks and tools in their circuits, but R2-D2 gains the upper hand and cuts the traitorous droid loose without a second thought. Prior to departing Scipio, Skywalker and Amidala went to retrieve files from a vault in Clovis' alpine residence. [51], R2-D2 came up to the bridge and found Skywalker and Windu had survived the blast, but were trapped under the rubble. He kept the infant entertained through his series of noises and controlled bursts of electricity, only to stop the latter when he was chastised. During the skirmish, R2-D2's tank was boarded by Grievous. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. The Mandalorian | Season 3 Official Trailer | Disney+. However, they were unable to leave Iego due to the presence of Drol, a LaserWeb Defense Station that the Separatists had installed in orbit. [64], R2-D2 later accompanied General Skywalker to the planet Scipio. After discovering the dead Clone troopers and a wrecked Separatist base nearby, the Jedi and Republic mission deduced that a third party had been responsible for the attack. Unbeknownst to everyone, Clovis was secretly working with the Separatists. This plot worked and the Jedi-Republic strike team succeeded in landing at a cavern near the Citadel. Lux decided to depart the ship in an escape pod but vowed to meet Ahsoka again.[58]. Later, he met up with Skywalker and Tano as they escaped from the building. This was supposedly a task that the droid should not have been able to accomplish, yet in this case, Artoo displayed exactly what he was capable of. Kill Oscar! Finally, in the official comic, Star Wars 39, Artoo annihilated approximately forty-three stormtroopers, two stormtrooper guards, and an Imperial Engineer, bringing the count to around forty-four. [7], Meanwhile, Master Kenobi had managed to shut down the tractor beam projector but was cornered by his former apprentice Darth Vader on the way back. R2-D2 succeeded in shutting down the garbage compactor just in time. [20], On the way, they encountered Asajj Ventress, a dark-side agent of the Separatist leader Count Dooku, and several B2-series super battle droids. We dont really think of R2-D2 as a cold-blooded droid, per se. While Kenobi and Skywalker negotiated with the smuggler Han Solo and his Wookiee co-pilot Chewbacca, the two droids wandered the streets of Mos Eisley and narrowly evaded a stormtrooper patrol. Since Aleena's atmosphere was toxic to them, the underground dwellers depended on a filtering process of the planet's soil that made the air breathable for them. R2-D2 (simply called Artoo), was a droid designed by Industrial Automation. The factory was also the main target of the assault. For Revenge of the Sith, C-3PO actor Anthony Daniels has stated that Baker did not film any scenes; Baker himself said that he may have appeared as R2-D2 in a majority of scenes that were caught during production of Episode II. [54], When C-3PO agreed to help fix the damage, Orphne gave the droids a parting riddle. R2-D2 also freed Leia and came to C-3PO's defense, when he was accosted by Jabba's pet Kowakian monkey-lizard Salacious Crumb. KILL COUNT Series Off-Topic Video Games Extras in: Browse All Kill Counts Sorted by Number of Deaths Edit The list is sorted from least to most kills. R2-D2 played an important role in most of the movies to follow, whether hes saving C-3PO and the Rebellion on his own, aiding a young Anakin Skywalker in battle, or even nudging an older Luke along to take up the mantle once again to aid a young Jedi. Chewbacca, who was stationed on a large metal structure overlooking the landing platform where they had originally entered, reported that Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, had arrived. However, they were unable to locate the mastermind who hired Bane, Darth Sidious. [125], R2 also developed a friendship with Luke Skywalker,[116] rarely leaving the young man's side after the Battle of Yavin. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Battle at the Illuminati Headquarters (Earth-838), Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. The Zabrak explained that he could ensure passage if Luke handed over his lightsaber as payment, which Luke refused to do. The pilot complied, but in retaliation, Bridger demanded that Tua's droids be sent to the back as well. Later, Skywalker met the Force spirit of Kenobi who warned him of his final trial with Vader. A lucrehulk crew is logically in the hundreds of thousands. R2-D2 was loyal to his master Princess Leia Organa and was determined to get her message to Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Death Star crisis, despite the odds stacked against him. Senator Organa assigned R2-D2 to accompany the pilots Chardri Tage and Tamsin on a secret mission to find the Jedi and to rendezvous with his starship Tantive IV. . r2d2 kill count. does any one know R2D2's droid kill count? [141][142] Lucas ultimately provided the name "Rex,"[143] allowing the new character of Clone Captain Rex to be the main clone character. [116], R2-D2 spent some time at the Resistance Camp on the polluted planet of Anoat. Under the auspices of the Mandalorian Duchess Satine Kryze, Republic and Separatist delegates were meeting there to discuss a peaceful solution to the Clone Wars.
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