And of course you can always burn trusty sage to clear the air, too! You dont have to smudge to successfully clear or cleanse a space. The most common way is to burn the stick and then mix the ashes with water or other liquid of your choice. In the early 20th century, lavender became popular as an ingredient in soaps and cosmetics. Indigenous plant medicine has been around for centuries, and its health benefits have been scientifically demonstrated, but as it gains mainstream acceptance and finds a bigger audience, some only see dollar signs. I love to keep one on my mantle for decoration, and one for burning. Many Western doctors wont suggest you smudge stick because it may seem unscientific to them. Smudging sage sticks can bring about an abundance of positive changes in your life. Smudging was originally used to clear negative energy from the air. When you are ready to extinguish your smudge stick or wand, ground it out in sand or earth or in another fireproof receptacle. Whats more, scientistshave found evidence of health benefits from using smudge sticks! Because of stress, anxiety, conflicts, and various other reasons, the negative energy surrounds our environment. To clear your mind and relax your body. Universal essential oils are produced by 100% natural steam distillation.,,,, According to Scientists, Parents Who Are Addicted to their Cell Phones Affect their Childrens Development, Toxic ToothHow a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick, Drone Disguised As Hummingbird Captures Incredible Footage Of Monarch Butterfly Swarm. Clearing space also renews old and stagnant energy in a space or person and replaces it with a lively vibrancy. According to the statistics published in the Anxiety and Depression Association of Americas website, around 18% of the American adults are struggling with an anxiety disorder. If your children are unruly and your spouse is cranky, clear your space. To use loose herbs for smudging, you will need herb-burning charcoal discs as well as a dish to hold the burning herbs. What the heck, I thought. If you change jobs, lose someone you love, have to deal with conflict or resentment, or if you end a relationship, you need to make sure that you take the time to process your emotions and then cleanse yourself and your space. Baking Soda Foot Soak: See What Happens to Your Cracked Heels! So, I had to set off on my own journey to learn my true path to healing. Sunday Online Only. It can be used as a culinary herb, an aromatic herb, a medicinal herb, and more. The Self-love Journal draws from the wisdom and artwork of the best-selling dharma art book Self-love and is both a companion and stand-alone journal. When I started our retreat center, The Ayahuasca Foundation, I was coming off of a seven-year study myself; a four-year apprenticeship where I lived with a curandero and several years after that of studying with other teachers, Tanner said. Its associated with fire, the sun, and masculine energy. The smudge stick can be used for many purposes, including purification and cleansing, removing negative energy from the environment, and protecting from evil spirits. You should check out some of the. The smoke carries the properties of the herbs with it and so can be used to bless something or someone, cleanse and purify them, or send healing energy. It can reduce incidences of asthma, headaches, and other types of headaches. Powerful Affirmations can Change Your Life. It can be used to cleanse a person or space of negative energy, anxiety, stress and insomnia. Cedar is used to heighten positive energy, to uplift feelings and evoke positive emotions. Using a smudging stick is a spiritual practice that helps in cleansing an individuals aura. In ancient native American traditions, special smudge bowls were used but now, most smudging herbs come in wants or sticks that are easy to use. and some rose petals if you have any organic roses around simply because they are lovely. The smoke from the plant is said to purify the air and help remove negative energy. Gorgeous Prosperity Smudge Sticks To Amplify Your Creative, An Ode To Lavender In Your Balanced Beauty Routine. It has been known to drive out negative energies and pollutants, making it a great choice for use in ceremonies and rituals. It is also thought to have been used in healing rituals and ceremonies. Eryn is a yoga teacher, freelance writer, and social media manager currently based in Philadelphia. It is also said to be a good way to bring peace and harmony into your life. Copal is considered a medicinal tree to the Mayas and is used to clear the body of diseases. Tobacco is a sacred medicine plant to all North American Indigenous Cultures. Focus on rest in the bedroom, productivity in the office, nourishment in the kitchen and fellowship and relaxation in the living room and so on. Some of you may already know years ago, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. It was there, after a grueling day when my feet, knees, legs, and lower back hurt so bad, that I thought I would have to abandon hopes of our next climb which was Rainbow Mountain! To make these: Take organic rosemary & lavender. The benefits of lavender smudge are as follows: -It helps clear negative energy from the house. What about the magical benefits of the other herbs and flowers in these wands? To banish, light a smudge stick made of sage, lavender, cedar, mugwort, or a blend of herbs. So much so that Lavender was once used by prostitutes to attract customers. It was commonly used to treat anxiety, insomnia, stress, and headaches. In smudging, the herb is often used to cleanse a home when one is first moving in. It acts like a commitment made by people and supported by the Spirit World. Like our members, Gaia staff are driven by curiosity, passion and the desire to grow, as we continue on our own spiritual journeys and quests. For good measure, you can opt to hang them in each room. To get more choices, have a look at our recomendations of Lavender Smudge Stick or use the search box. Sweetgrass symbolizes kindness- as this plant only bends when walked upon and never breaks may we too remember that if injustices are done upon us may we, Tobacco is a sacred medicine plant to all North American Indigenous Cultures. ?, then trying lavender is one of the ways to improve memory. Because of stress, anxiety, conflicts, and various other reasons, the negative energy surrounds our environment. Some believe that the scent of lavender may help to stimulate the spiritual side of the brain. In the next section of this article, we will look at the procedure to make lavender and a smudge stick for you. :: Use diluted lavender essential oil as an antiseptic. Lavender is beneficial for your mental health. It infuses a dash of positivity into every space, improves your mental health and wellbeing, and allows you to be spiritually aligned with the higher forces of the universe. Whether you are looking for a relaxing aroma to enhance your day or want to use it as part of a holistic health regime, lavender is definitely worth taking into consideration. Then you will continue with ritual cleansing, which can be done with smudge, as discussed above, or with incense, drums, fresh clean air, candles, water, plants, crystals or music. Now we see people who dont have very much experience at all, but yet theyre opening a healing center.. Sweetgrass is known as the hair of Mother Earth. Layer your bunches of herbs on top of each other. The magical uses for lavender are limited in the book but so very vast. Historically if tabacco is offered and accepted, then there is a sacred promise sealed. They are then bound with the traditional red cording, blessed as traditionally done to aid you in your sacred work. It can improve concentration and focus. Carlos Tanner is the director of The Ayahuasca Foundation in Peru, he founded the center in 2009 as the result of his own healing journey. Id pretty much turned-over every rock trying to find relief for my pain, sleep issues and myriad of other symptoms. Features Specifications Brand Purple Canyon Model 2 Runner Up Smudging is an ancient technique used to clear out negative energy and bring in positive energy. Please note that the information in this blog is not intended to be a replacement for obtaining professional medical or psychological advice. Using a candle is recommended rather than a match or other lighter. You need to focus specifically where they spent the most time and imbued the space with their energy the most. Make your way to the back door, covering all areas slowly with the smoke. Depending on how long you smoke the lavender smudge stick, this simple ritual can help you feel relaxed and centered, while also clearing away any negative energy or stress from your day. You can also direct the smoke into specific areas that need cleansing. Now, if you want to repel bugs, tossing some rosemary (or the whole bundle) in a campfire will help you along, as the smoking herbs are a natural bug repellant. The use of a smudge stick is often done before entering a ceremony or prayer circle to clear away any negative energy that might be present from outside forces. "The type of sage you want to buy is called 'California White Sage' or 'White Sage Smudge Stick. All of my smudge sticks are pictured freshly made and do shrink slightly as . Add lavender oil to a mister filled with purified water to cleanse your yoga mat. Tie off the other end of the string. Hold a healthy bunch tightly in one hand and start wrapping with some burnable twine (I do organic fibers or thick string) from the bottom up. A smudge stick is a bundle of dried herbs typically bound together with string or twine. I went from an Executive Director of a non-profit organization, running marathons, rock climbing, hiking canyons and kayaking to being completely bedridden and staring at a wall for 15 hours a day. If the witch is so inclined than growing their own lavender is a great option as well. Common smudging herbs include: Firstly, any cleansing ritual must start with a clear and simple intention. Spiritual Benefits of Lavender Smudge are helps your life. The bundle is usually bound together with string or wire or may be rolled up in paper. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Blue Sage Benefits It is believed that setting a clear intention while smudging with blue sage can attract health, healing, prosperity and abundance in your life. This is another instance where space clearing, regularly if necessary, can help you move on from negative energy and holding onto the past and moving forward into a happier future. Lavender is added to sage or rosemary smudge sticks or made into its own to smolder and smudge homes, purify crystals, andclear negativity from a room. Please complete the information below and click Sign Up. I was determined to climb one of the true wonders of the natural world, Machu Picchu, the mystical home of the Incas in Peru. Some people also find it helpful to speak an incantation, a thought or to chant during cleansing but you can also be silent and simply focus on your intention and inner voice. To use a lavender smudge stick to release negative energy and clear your mind: Smudge sticks cleanse and purify an area, person, or object to promote positive energy. (The dried herbs represent earth, the burning embers represent fire, and the smoke represents air.) Blue Sage is a hardy bush found in the deserts of. Magically it is used for protection and also for love. Very versatile and hugely effective, these smudges are used for a variety of purposes including meditation, protection, cleansing and purifying the body, warding off evil spirits, and fending off infections. Organic Lavender smudge stick. The process is simple : burn the lavender smudge stick and then soothe, collect the ashes and use the ashes to perform the ritual. The most important aspect of any cleansing ritual is to restore balance, whether energetically or in the more mundane physical sense. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. There are a variety of types of sage for smudging, including white sage (the most popular), blue sage, black sage, lavender sage, and more. Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 3 customer ratings. In recent years, lavender has become popular as an aromatherapy supplement for its therapeutic properties. For more information and recommendations, visit your doctor or psychologist, health care provider or other qualified healthcare professional. Do they burn fast? Candles, Incense, Sage, and Smudging Products, Dried Herbs, Resins, and Smudging Products, The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Medicine. The Blue Sage & Lavender Smudge Stick combines the powerful cleansing and purifying abilities of blue sage with the aromatic and soothing, lavender. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. We encourage you to check her out on Facebook, and Pinterest. If youd like to read more about the smudging process, check out this postfrom David. The use of a smudge stick to cleanse oneself or ones space has been around for centuries. Inspirit Crystals is a unique spiritual store where you will find gems, jewelry, statues, and other gifts with meaningall lovingly selected by our knowledgeable staff to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Consciousness Is A Big Problem For Science, Platonic Solids: The Language of the Universe, Tiny Crystals In Our Brain Could Unlock Psychic Powers. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If youre wondering how to get started with your own smudging ceremony, check out the video below for a few helpful tips. Regular price $3 50 $3.50. In smudging, it has traditionally been used as a medicine for infectious diseases and opening the heart chakra. AboutFeng Shui ConsultationsThe SchoolVideosPress, The Feng Shui MethodWork with DanaFeng Shui 101 E-BookCreating Genius E-Book, Terms + ConditionsPrivacy PolicyDisclaimer, 2022 Dana Shui, LLC All Rights Reserved | Insight Design. Lavender is well known for its medical properties and benefits. That's how we end up with silly . Healers often use smudge before working with reiki or other healing techniques. Lavender has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy. As you call forth your prayers, visions, or intentions stay curious, open and full of heart as you engage in your smudging ceremony. Spiritual Benefits of Lavender Smudge is help your energy. Rose is associated with the the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite and the archetype of Venus. :: Add lavender to homemade salves for healthy skin. Use this essential oil for channeling, trance mediumship, psychic development, and heightened spiritual awareness. As the smoke from smudging rises it is believed that our prayers too will rise up to the world of spirit to be seen, heard, and to be remembered. :: Use lavender and chamomile together to make a tea that will soothe someone to sleep. Historically if tabacco is offered and accepted, then there is a sacred promise sealed. 3. It is commonly used in a talking circle, where it is believed good energy is attracted. When burned, the aroma of lavender oil molecules are released into the air, which can help to improve moods and relieve anxiety. In addition to the negative energy spread by the television and the internet, sitting in a dark room for a long time without communicating with others, conflicts, and more can also make a path for negative energy to enter your mind and body. ' Do not use the regular old sage in your kitchen. Here are 9 top reasons why using a lavender smudge stick is a great choice: 1. Humans have had a long relationship with herbs. The first step in successfully cleansing a space is to really clean it. The intentionality of the smoke from an herbal smudging stick is that it carries the properties of the herb with it and can be used to bless something or someone, cleanse and purify them, or send healing energy. Lavender helps bring in positive energy to replace the negative energy as it is being cleared away. Illness subdues the energy in a home, whether physically or mentally in the case of the person suffering, or from the nervous tension and energetic output of the person tending the ill. Fresh air must be brought into the home, as well as plants and flowers, candles and some form of purifying water. Lavender is so well known for its ability to calm that it has been scientifically proven to reduce stress better than medications. Each has their own specific benefit and purpose, so be sure to read carefully! That power can be harnessed for use in your magic as well. 7. Spiritual uses: Lavender is a great tool for meditation. To make it, pure sage is dried and hand-wrapped with cotton string. It can highly enhance your respiratory health, digestion system, immunity, and it can also help in reducing your anxiety and depression. Is Psychedelic Tourism Destroying the Sanctity of Plant Medicine? Rosemary. If youre looking to buy smudge sticks, then youre in the right place here. Rose. The Romans associated the herb with gods and goddesses, and used it as a perfume and medicine. Each smudge wand comes with this smudging prayer:A smudging prayer, included with each order. Smudging lavender brings positive energy, helps open the heart chakra, it aids in releasing fear while calming the mind, helping to protect the spirit. This fantastic article was written by Sophie Addison, a popular blogger and skincare expert. Its a powerful tonic for your heart chakra, helping to open you up to both giving and receiving unconditional love. However, you should not completely rely on the complementary and alternative treatment methods. When change comes into life, whether positive or negative it cant help but affect people and their environment. It comes with a smudging guide help you through the process. Ill give a quick condensed version of the process and say that it involves burningbundles of a herb known as a smudge stick and waving it around your home or space. I can still recall what it felt like to have my life change overnight. The information on this site is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. 4. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Take the time to witness the smoke purifying and rising, allow the smell of the herbs and incense to bring you into a place of pure presence. But at the same time, I know many indigenous people and they are for the spreading of what they believe to be their culture, which oftentimes was something that was looked upon negatively or was degraded as if they were second-class citizens, quite literally, Tanner said. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Keep breathing in and out and feel the smudge stick aid in releasing any negative energy or stress you may have been holding onto. Cedar holds the medicine to purify and return balance. For example if you saw a beautiful sunrise or a rainbow and you want to give thanks you could leave some Tobacco upon the Earth for this gift of beauty. The Year of The Water Rabbit 2023 Feng Shui! A study hasalso found that after a 1 hour smudging ceremony with sage, aerial bacteria is reduced by 94%, making it great even if you simply want to reduce air pollution in your home. . Is this the most well-known and widely-loved herb ever? Palo Santo looks like a small wooden stick and its scent is known to raise the vibration in preparation for meditation, creative endeavors and ceremony. Packed with Magickal and everydayuses every witch can benefit from having a stock of dried lavender and lavender essential oil. Focusing on clearing out the negative energy and pushing it out of your space and mind is of paramount importance. The best sellers after considering the top product reviews, rankings and benefits are: (1) FRED SOLL'S Resin ON A Stick Sacred SAGE Incense (20) (2) Sage Smudge Kit - White Sage Smudge Sticks - 4in ~ Abalone Shell 5-6in ~ 2in Tripod Stand ~. It's associated with fire, the sun, and masculine energy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Although very common, it can lead to some very dangerous consequences. Smudging is the burning of herbs, such as sage or lavender, and can be used to cleanse a space. Privacy / Disclaimer All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. To bring peace and harmony into your life North American Indigenous Cultures and widely-loved herb ever and chamomile together make! Ceremonies and rituals lead to some very dangerous consequences filled with purified water lavender smudge stick benefits cleanse a person or of. A spiritual practice that helps in cleansing an individuals aura a look at our recomendations of lavender smudge helps... This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the best-selling art... Used it as a natural remedy Facebook, and various other reasons, the burning herbs bundle! Aid in releasing any negative energy from the plant is said to be a good way bring. A powerful tonic for your heart chakra also thought to have my life change.... 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