But everyone else's perspective of self is just as valid as your own. You dont own it because Life Was a gift given in your Creation.. If the bible calls it a sin, our opinions doesnt really Press J to jump to the feed. Your soul is just your soul, and you can injure it or stray away from it, but its inextricably bound to your mind as long as youre alive. When this body no longer is capable of containing consciousness you will be MIND. 26 I guess you could have had some kind of spiritual experience with the lsd but this idea you sold your soul by taking some drug is pure superstition. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Absolutely. Its really starting to ruin me because Ive always had faith in God and ultimately always turned to him when I did bad things and felt remorseful, but now it feels like I cant anymore because the door is shut. I also will pray for you. I got this from the contact, but I was uneducated about the price I and everyone around me would pay.I am searching my whole life to find a way to go back 42 years to the day i made the deal. I have sealed my soul to Satan forever by committing the one and only unforgivable blasphemy sin. I can't stress enough that this in NOT true no more that heart disease is a demonic attack! The thought of going to hell because your soul less is terrifying. I drew the short straw and got that particular case to research and report upon. Hebrews 12:25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. With any luck we learn "stove = hot" and we don't do that again. By using this website or our other online services, you consent to the practices described in our Privacy Policy, including our Cookie Policy. and I came back happy and knowing things and in a different world and ended up over a few weeks starting to look unreal and everyone loved me and I was just in paradise everyday spreading love ang making people laugh and thought I was making my own reality ( I was in a different world where everything was so beautiful and I was so free and thought I was connected to nature and god and had no anxiety and felt 10/10 24/7 even sober) and could make anyone feel safe and like a kid and join my fantasy world and I ended up looking even different like an innocent kid I literally felt like a spirit with no body and I was so happy and funny and loved myself and I thought I was just blessed so is smoking weed selling ur soul or is transidental experience (ego death) selling ur soul but I also was getting treated for chronic pain and this acupuncture that gives witch vibes gave me tea when I was sick I think she put something in it and I came once with blood on my hand from a cut and I think she took the napkins and did something i think I dont know what to think but it kinda does seem like I sold it because I didnt even feel human I felt like a spirit and felt powerful and I think an entity was in me because I also had a powerful energy to dance aand have a blast by myself and everyone would just stare at me and people would come up to me that also seemed to have no soul when I thought we were just people who knew the truth i was able to make anyone fall in love and talk to anyone and run a small buissiness and I didnt even get to talk to the girl I like and now I cant but thats what it says u can do if u sell ur soul Ive read and It seems that was too good to be true and once I quit smoking weed for molar surgury my face changed over night and I look different and soulless like Im dying and feel different and a few days after you could see the evil entity in my eyes and now its gone but I feel regret did I get the mark of the beast its insane can I be forgiven I didnt even know I just felt like a kid Having fun 24/7 was just paradise and thought I escaped the matrix (whys fluoride in the water ) Im so dumb for this I hope I can be forgiven and have a relationship with God and Jesus (if you say its not possible to sell ur soul can u explain how please like how do u explain certain famous people) Im 18 I felt like 10 different people and that anything was possible I would literally basically play music in my head and would just laugh at everything even sober theres a lot more I probably left out but I think Im dying I dont want to live anymore Im just going to be alone and dont want family to see me like this or anyone I went from being as healthy as possible to looking like a crack head plus molar surgury ruined my face and smile I lost my confidence and stuff. After hearing his bid, you can place a higher bid and stick to it. Confession - compulsion or necessary? Take comfort knowing that if it is indeed possible for someone to sell their soul, that God is merciful, and if you ask him, He is able and willing to restore it to you. You cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew6:24). I am impressed that at age 14 you know enoughto read terms and conditions before merrily agreeing to anything for temporary gain and pleasure. You must sell your soul to Jesus it belongs to Satan by default. The gospel message is simple -- Repent -- which means to turn from your sins -- and believe -- which means to utterly entrust your soul -- that Jesus died, rose again, and in Him alone, you can find the forgiveness of sins! We may not be accountable forour sin as an infant, but we are sinful, and sin filled from even before our birthnone theless. It is our sins that separate us from God, if you have any sin working in your life then put it away from you and be repentant and constant in prayer toward God for forgiveness, and He will forgive. and can he make you be another person. Smoking weed not for medicinal reasons is still discouraged though. What you said about man made labels makes a lot of sense. The devil will give you 3 things to do. NO IT DOES NOT. Log in to follow creators, like videos, and view comments. However, many people are still ignorant about the deep details of selling ones soul to the devil. On a personal note, Your sudden shift from "good" to "damned" is something that resonates with me. A California USA supreme court ruling on Joan Brodellvs Warner Brothers established that no minor can be held to a contract even though theminor may have benefitted from thecontract and even though the minor may have since reached an age of majority. The individuated essence you are at its absolute core and center is infinite. But it is not valid in reality. The devil does not have to appear to you. If I put my hand on a flamethere is an undoubtedly real reaction. You sell your soul when you've become a horrible person who actually does depraved things. I think you should stop tracking out to biblical angels to get what you want. I know that you are me. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Well, someone explained it to me sort of like that once, but they said it better lol and it offered me much comfort. 21 Signs That Your Twin Flame is Communicating With You, 10 Clear Signs a Deceased Loved One is Near You, How to Contact a Loved One who has Passed Away? Each student was to have lookedup a one paragraph decision and reporton it. This person is generally approached by a satanist or other pagan figure who befriends them. Once sold it cannot be lost for it is safe in the hands of Jesus who doesnot lose a one that His fatherhas given Him as His flock. Just stick with it, and try. Cookie Notice The atmosphere will begin to shift, though it may be imperceptible. Some people find that they meet spirits and other higher beings, some people just find that the world is more beautiful. Three centuries earlier Paganini was said to have done so, so too in the last century was the Blues guitarist Robert Johnson. Jesus teaches judge not or you will be judged; self judgement creates guilt which the Ego Devil in our mind uses to take our peace away and then we live in fear and lack . Passionate about spirituality, numerology and spiritual accounts. God didnt make this world . The war on drugs was and is a giant failure and only the continued atrocity of slavery trying to hang on. . You dont have to consider yourself a pagan or abandon any religious inclinations you have now, and he doesnt ask you to, its just a good book with a lot of good perspectives and knowledge. It may not display this or other websites correctly. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The amount of money you will get depends on how much you desire to have. Do you really think there is one person here whom suffers from OCD who has not prayed so much for even the most insignifacant, presumed transgression which was probably no transgression at all, that they could not function at all in their daily life? I am sure you have that term as well. There may be a simpler explanation at the core of what you are experiencing. 5. But it does mean that Satan (the prince of this world) has been dethroned and cast out. 2. This has even been proven via brain scans of those who are afflicted with it. Those who prosper in some way by Satans power always regret it for all eternity. The creator of the whole universe with its 125 billion Can yall please pray for me and my doctor? I have no desire to do evil which is something I cling tightly to as if you were the devils property surely youd want to be evil and not good? You state you watch for key words and that is fine, but also watch formore thanjust that, watch for the gain you get from agreeing and ask of God what you are giving back in return. I just really hope Im being paranoid and he still loves me too! But you got your soul back after turning to God? There are different ways of selling your soul to the devil. Some make solitary drunks, and some are mean drunks. Sharing scripture can be done so many ways ~ we call them God is real. For example, if you desire someone, you can make a pact with the devil. I hope you find a way to feel happy in your own skin again. You would not be "selling your soul" by consuming Marijuana. Deep down Im hoping to connect with more soul less people, so we can fight this battle together. Maybe you can't believe me but in my own experience of reality I experienced something similar. It is titled Can You Really Sell Your Soul to Satan?, Completely impossible to sell your soul.. Its a great thought to think you can, but neither God nor the devil hear you Living things are the masters of this universe.. You can argue for or over your soul, they have different meanings. When good behavior and moral uprightness have left the consciousness of your soul, then it is a sign that you have sold your soul to the devil. My creator and savior just astounds me! The devil used their family to threaten them. I did this in return Satan gave me power for a time but he put evil vile discussing things in my mind ruined what life I would have had sex for what money useless all I have is regret and that is hell . It reminds me of a few years ago, where a friend and I made a deal, his soul would be given to me. Hebrews 12:28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: Hebrews 12:29 For our God is a consuming fire. Like I AM NOW . Like arachnid said, souls don't exist, so there's nothing to sell. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. When selling your soul to the devil, there are a couple of ways you can protect yourself, legally and physically. If you consistently believe yourself to be damned, you get to experience that. Does this mean that all will go to heaven? Its like, okay, now we know nuclear physics and can make atomic bombs, how do we refrain from destroying everything we love? To paraphrase what he says, though I do highly recommend you read it, the otherworld comes from Celtic mythology and its in a sense like a parallel universe. Landscaping, Creative Writing. What you need is an something like an exorcism from someone with extremely good positive energy(me). Because of that he can give you a short success or can fulfill your desire in exchange of your soul who will go to hell with him. The 3 tests you will be mandated to perform are evil acts. This is somewhat like a contract. ?im interested to join..im so desperate my life also poverty is my big problem..I always pray God to give me a luck that i can get away my povert but not for how many years since my teenagebut now im 42years old .. The devil will give you 3 different tests to perform. So, do you already know what happens when you sell your soul to the devil? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? ago By whom and why? JavaScript is disabled. Im basically so scared that Ive accidentally handed my soul to the Devil and God wont answer my prayers anymore. A lot of people dont know that this is one of the signs that their souls have been sold off to the devil. Thanks Government! The unnamable and undefinable LOVES YOU, Doing all Evil Deeds Distruction and Behaviors yes, Its impossible to sell your soul to the devil because its not yours to sell . People do, or do not give in to something perceived as evil. The moment you realize that you desire to do evil things, then it is a sign that you have sold your soul to the devil. You cannot barter the soul away. The misrepresentation of Cannabis and the many nefarious reasons why it was associated with suppression of African Americans, Hispanics and Hippies is selling out to the Devil. Ok dude. That's it. However, they dont know the further details and processes of the whole event. Hahahaha the Devil only exists in you Mind. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Good night and God bless. Im not trying to discount any of the existential/soul crises that you are experiencing. I dont know how to make sense of it either, but Ive experienced a similar thing and that book helped me put it into perspective and get a sense of peace. Your email address will not be published. He offered him "all the kingdoms of the world" if he would bow down to him. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there. You're probably changing along with your body. By trading your soul, the devil will then grant you the person you desire to be with. /r/Christianity is a subreddit to discuss Christianity and aspects of Christian life. Milton included this specific detail into his poem because he once made a deal with Lucifer to swap his soul for the ability to write good poetry. The devious prank, pulled by GameStation, an online gaming store, resulted in the voluntary surrender of 7,500 souls. Bad and Good is purely subjective 3. Don't do it. To answer your overall question, I dont really think you can sell your soul. I have a book recommendation. That is a flat out lie. Like say ANY of those youve done exposes on? The word devil does not refer to a particular being or spirit but a type. Simple little antidotes like "Be strong in your faith" only suggest to the sufferer that they are weak in their faith. Still got it. They become so obsessed with what they stand to gain and proceed to sell their soul. But, what if prayer and bible devotions etc are not working in bringing about the physical and mental healing needed in this persons life? When we give ourselves over to sinful behavour we are then in danger of losing our souls. Im not comfortable weighing in on the more spiritual aspects of what you discussed, as everyone has a different set of experiences backing them, and I cant really put myself in your shoes. See if it is right or if there is anything that should be changed. At the time though the song Fat Around The Heart by a band called King 810 was playing in a playlist, and while cutting I also noticed that I was singing along to the bit where it says The Devil is real and I wear his marks, and suddenly I felt this weird adrenaline rush after it occurred to me what Id done and when it went from rush to panic I looked in the mirror and my eyes looked kinda black and wider for a second or so, and since then I dont feel Gods presence when I ask for help or forgiveness, and suddenly I seem to be acquiring material objects that I used to sometimes wish I had and I just never feel happy anymore and Im forever nervous (in spite of acquiring said things), I also always seem to have money in my pocket and never stress about it despite us being in a cost of living crisis and me only having an ordinary job. I call it my connection to source. People who sold their soul know that they sold their soul. When you sell your soul to the devil, 2 things will happen to you: Before you run off to make a pact with the devil for your soul, ask yourself a question Is it worth it?. NOW is your chance to have Jesus redeem it, simply for the asking! Looking for advice? You are the Holy Child of Creation.. Does he get bored ?? It is not True, although it may be your present experience. WORTHWHILE FELLOWSHIP. 36 As it is written:“For your sake we face death all day long; 34 Who then is the one who condemns? I needed money. Plus you cannot sell your Soul as it was Gods gift to you ; your gift of Life in Creation .. you will exist always and Gods will is for you to just Be Happy and pray to Remember what you are and where you reside . So, make no mistake, it is no coincidence that you would feel these things but you seem to have taken it upon yourself when actually you should not be so hard on yourself and realize it is only the product of decades of propaganda. I think of Hitler A soul cannot be bought or sold. Lose it, yes. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Just like he did to Jesus when he was in the desert. Selling your soul goes deeper then the devil as there universe is so vast and much more powerful then the devil. And poof, just like, that he was gone. How can we be strong in our faith anyway? But thats just life; dealing with the burden of spiritual experience is a lot like dealing with the burden of scientific knowledge. 9 [a]that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, [b]resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, [c]resulting in salvation. Secondly, as far as video games are concerned -- if you have a conscience objection to playing the game -- that's a warning -- and you'll have to discern if it's something that you should avoid. Most times, a lot of people dont ask for the full details of the deal. A lot of people sign a deal with the devil majorly for fame and money. You were selling your soul, but in the process, you have given him access to your family and those close to you as well. What do people want to get when they make an agreement to sell their soul? When we reach the age of accountability, we become guilty before God, under Satans power and accountable for our sin: I was once alive apart from the law, but when the commandment came, sin came alive and I died. (Romans 7:9). Pleasenote the second halfis encouragement. When one sells their soul, it's generally a metaphor for compromising yourself, usually not for the good. May the Lord grant you His peace -- the peace that passes all understanding -- so that you may find rest for your soul! Please read it all. Rom 8:38-39. by Joe Schimmel | Articles, Commentaries & Teachings, Hollywood, Music, Q & A | 7 comments. However, whenever you sell your soul, you are going to enjoy all of the things you desire for a limited time. This is another consequence of selling your soul to the devil. Whether one sells his soul or not, we must all still turn to Jesus to be saved, because we are all under Satans power until the moment we embrace Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Have a problem? Fortunately for me thecase had engaged my deep interest as I did a lot of sales contract work atthetime, and I had prepared for hours sensing I was about to get thegrilling of the semester from this professor. The existential/soul crises that you are experiencing really think you should stop tracking out to biblical angels get... 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