kaore te aroha moteatea

Hei whakaoho po i ahau ki te whare ra. 5 Naku ano koe i huri ake ki muri; Kaore mai i nehera te mea hai maunga. 144, T. Turi 36.). Miriama was the mother of Hamiora Aparoa and others. Tera ano etahi korero mo nga maunga nei na nga iwi o Tuhoe kei roto i te pukapuka a Te Peehi (Tuhoe p. 983). Ko Takinga-o-Rehua, Maia-a-te-ahu.A place in the Uawa valley, on the road from Mangaheia to Waimata, and the place where Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti were defeated by Ngati Porou. Ahumai figures in the account of the battle of Orakau. Hei konei noa au porangi noa ai; Mokai te ngakau te whakatau iho, He kiri paraikete, 3/139) na Te Kahu taua waiata mo tana wahine, na Paitini Wi Tapeka (Te Whatu) o Tuhoe i korero ki a ia. No te haerenga o Te Tomo ki Otaki, ka haria ta raua tamaiti a Tauaiti, e kiia nei ko Te Piwa te Tomo. 2. Ka haramai ratau kia kite. Totara.He pa kei runga ake o te Kawakawa (Te Araroa); ko tera ano e whakahuatia ra i te tangi mo Te Whetukamokamo, waiata nama 21. Poihakena.Port Jackson in Sydney harbour. 18. People of Roroku.No explanation available as to this. Ko Te Rangiwaitatae tetahi i patua ki reira. Ka eke ki Wairaka ka tahuri whakamuri, Ngatoroirangi.Ko te tohunga nui o runga i a Te Arawa. Pihanga.A mountain near Tokaanu, Lake Taupo district, of which the legend is told she was sought and quarrelled over by the great mountains of Taranaki and Tongariro, and Tongariro was the victor. He whakamaunga atu naku E mahara iho ana, he waka ka urutomo, Ka marama te ata.He tikanga na te turehu; ka marama haere mai te ata, ka hoki ratau ki o ratau kainga i roto i nga kohu, e iri nei i nga maunga. Ki te ake rautangi; 4. Hoko a tirange.He huihuinga na ratau. Tahau pararaha.Ki ta Hone Ngatoto i penei, tahau pararaha he taha nui te tuwhera. Ka tauria e te huka ka kitea noatia atu tera, e tu marakerake ana mai. Kei te J. Kaore te aroha ki toku kokara, ki a Kohurepuku, 15. It is said that the head of Parua was boiled in the calabash. E te ipo 'Ati-Pare, e moea atu nei ko te wairua. He parekura nui tera no Ngati-Tuwharetoa i a Tuhoe. Nana i awhina a Ngati-Kahungunu. That.According to McGregor: Wairua o te waka kawe i ahau (Spirit of the canoe which bore me onward). Connect with Daniel&Ashley. Mai i te papapa marama ki te pahau katoa, kua whakamatauhia e ia etahi momo momo pahau. 5 Te rerenga ki te rua ma wai ano e tapapa? At that place the mountain of Kakepuku may be seen standing on the edge of the Kawa swamp near Te Awamutu; and beyond it is Pirongia. Poroa agreed that their two sub-tribes should decide the issue by battle on the beach at Muriwhenua. 43. He had a really notable career, and this is enshrined in the principal songs of the lands of the Kahungunu tribe. Ko tenei na te ratonga romaroma Ko Taputeururoa, ko Ripiroaiti, I riro mai a Pahoe i te waipuke i Tapuaeroa, ka paea ki te ngutuawa o Waiapu. 14. Kei hoki te pohe ki taku matua, Kai raro aku mea e aroha nei au, e. Ko te take o tenei waiata koia tenei. Naku ia na koe i waiho i taku whenua iti, 11. 5 I a Pehia, i a Toheriri, kai a Kehu, a te hoa; Ko Te Momo no Ngati Tuwharetoa, no te taha hauauru o te moana o Taupo, no Titiraupenga, no te takiwa ki Hurakia. Ko te Hone Rongomaitu ano tenei, nana te waiata tangi mo Te Whetukamokamo, kua taia nei kei te Waiata nama 21. 13. Te mokai puku nei nana rawa i tekateka, About a year later the Ngati-Te-Kohera, a sub-tribe of Ngati-Tuwharetoa, went to live in Hawkes Bay. Honipaka.Already explained in the heading. Tirohia nga waiata 112, 319. I aua kia tae ki ou awhero, E ua e te ua, e theke koe i runga r ! Within, alas, my thoughts are vainly thrusting outwards; Family Tree. Ka whanatu ai au.E penei ano ki ta Te Peehi; engari he rarangi ano kei raro iho ka mutu ai te waiata e penei ana nga kupu, Ara ka puta nei., 12. Parearohi went and slept at nights only with her Maori husband, whose name was Heiraura. Motu rikiriki e roto i ahau. 6. Pae noa ki te ngutuawa, e, This took place at the time when there was much warfare in the Hawkes Bay district, and it was invaded at various times by Ngati Tuwharetoa, Ngati-Raukawa, Waikato, Ngati-Maru, Ngati-Maniapoto, Ngati-Paoa, Ngapuhi and Ngati-Whatua, and severe defeats were inflicted on the people of Hawkes Bay and Wairarapa. It is also explained there that it was composed by Ahumai for her brother, Te Momo-o-Irawaru. Taitai.I Taitai te pa nui i huihui ai a Ngati-Porou i te ohonga i nga ope a Nga-Puhi. Whole line.In some cases this line has been recorded as, Tahuri mai o mata te tikitiki rau mokimoki. But that rendering is obviously wrong and not applicable to the theme or context of this song. 2. Obscure.The word in the Maori text is pohe (blind). Ko Whakaari (White Island) i ahu ki waho i te moana, me Paepae-aotea (he motu toka e tata ana ki Whakaari), me Mou-tohora (Whale Island) me Putauaki (Mount Edgecumbe). When this Maori woman was missing, Ruarangi set out to search for her. He whanaunga a Te Momo ki a Rewi o tona taha Raukawa, Maniapoto. Whaiputuputu, Tokatu, Waiora, Moetonga, Puaiti, Taironui-a-Papango, Hinerakei (f) = Taihaukapa (m), Tumamao (m) = Te Hei (f), Ngarowiwi, Urukino, Koangi, Te Pararaha, Te Marino, Kukupa, Te Pa = Ngamotu (f), Poroa, Te Marino (f), Te Ruakuru, Rihi, Te Puhipi, Patana, Mitikakau, Te Morenga, Timoti, Rapihana, Te Koiuru, Riapo, Herepete, Wiremu Tana, Hone Tana Papahia. It is said Te Koaoao married and had Miriama. This song is recorded in Best's Tuhoe, p. 869. She composed this song on the death of Te Momo at Kahotea, near Roto-a-Tara, in Hawkes Bay. Genre Acoustic Comment by Nina10. Tenei ka irirangi kei runga ia, Wakahaumitia.Ka kuiatia, ka rite ki te waka tahito, ka pakaru, ka haumitia. Ka tikina, e, takahia te au o te wai, Te Rangitautini.He rangatira ano no Tuhourangi, i mate ki Mokoia. Ko au ki raro nei riringi ai te ua i aku kamo. Kaore te aroha ki toku kokara ki a Kohurepuku. Karewa.He moutere kei waho a nga moana o Aotea me Kawhia. Ka hoki a Te Hapuku ki tona kainga noho ai. In some versions the word is koha (pain, etc.). : M. 17, W. 4/160, W. 6/2 (M), W. 6/17, Sh.T. 32. Ka wewete i reira; Bishop Williams did not record the name of the person who gave him the text of the song. He kupu ranei, mo te tuiri mo te awangawanga. Another version was recorded by Bishop Williams, but there are many discrepancies in it. After singing her song, she pointed to the sea and asked the people to look, at the same time calling out, There it goes!There it goes! The people all looked to the sea, and when their gaze returned that woman had disappeared, she had gone back to her fairy folk. Ki runga i te kanoi, kia tika ko te hono, e; Toko.Ko tetahi ingoa ko Te Mahutu, he rangatira no Waikato, no Ngati-Maniapoto. Tera pea na Eruera Kawhia, na Mohi Turei ranei. He did this so that he might see the likeness of his wife; he had not yet seen what she was like, because she only came at night. Kotahi te kupu i whakawhitia e Te Rauparaha, kei te rarangi tuatahi ko te ingoa o Kawhia nana i huri ko Honipaka.. Ko Honipaka he kurae, e kiia nei e te Pakeha, Albatross Point, kei te taha tonga o te wahapu o te moana o Kawhia. It was in the year 1846 that a landslide killed Te Heuheu together with his people; Te Heuheu's body was later taken to a burial cave at Tongariro. Later the Ngati-Tuwharetoa killed Peketahi at Waipatiki, a hill below Tangoio. 9/166, kei te Wars p. 314, e ki ana a Percy Smith he tohunga a Te Toroa no Waikato, ko tona atua ko Wheawheau, he mahi hauhau. 5. 10 Kei nga ihu waka taurua, kei o tipuna, No tetahi ra, ka purupurua e Te Heiraura nga puta o to raua whare, a no te po ka tae iho ano tona wahine. No te ngaronga o te wahine Maori nei, ka tikina e Ruarangi ka kimihia. Te Momo of Ngati-Tuwharetoa was of that section of the tribe living on the western side of Lake Taupo, at Titiraupenga and the district of Hurakia. Ka mihi mamao au ki te iwi ra ia, 7. 43. . Te taupaki o Kupe, Kiharoa.Ko Kiharoa, he rangatira, he toa no Ngati-Raukawa, no te wa i a Hongi Hika, i a Te Rauparaha. Te ai he mahara, ka noho mai i uta; I hiahia ano a Patupaiarehe nei ki a Tawhaitu, he wahine tangata Maori nei ano. 37. Motutawa.An island in Rotokakahi Lake. 8. 3/139; J. In the defeat attending the deaths of the many chiefs of Tuhourangi, all of whom are mentioned in the song, may be seen the significance for the following expression:. Ka korero raua ko Poroa, he rangatira tera no Te Rarawa, me ko wai o raua te mea toa. 4. At the battle of Te Pakake some of the chiefs of Ngati-Kahungunu were taken prisoners. The explanations follow on the title given in Grey's Nga Moteatea (M. 16) which describes the song as "a Lament for a Basket of rotted Kumara seeds.". 15 No ino parau koe, te uri o Makiri, 9. Ka hewa au, e koro, kai te ao, i. ), 9. Te Moana-waipu.These were the names of the battles in which Uenuku defeated, Wheta and his people in revenge for the murder of his children. 10. According to Rikihana the war canoes of Ngapuhi in latter times were of kauri. Ahuriri.Ko te moana i Nepia; hei tikanga mo Heretaunga. The genealogy, in the Maori text, is by Paratene Ngata. He mate kuware noa 9. He came upon the Turehu folk who were having a meeting, and that Turehu man was singing his song. Ki Maia-a-te-ahu. Te Kura a Mahina.No te unga mai o Te Arawa i Hawaiki ka tae ki Ratanui, kei te takiwa o Tikirau, ka kitea atu te puawai o te rata i uta, ka makaia nga kura ki te moana; nga kura nei ko Tuhaepo, ko Tuhaeao. Ki runga o Mokoia. Ngai Tahu: Tahu Potoki, "Ka noho a tane ka noho ia Hinetitama." -- Ngati Porou: Robert Ruha, "Kaore te aroha e huri ki roto ra." -- Rongowhakaata: Puka Moeau, "Kaore te po nei morikarika noa.". Roto-a-Tara.He roto kei Heretaunga. Wi Tamaiwhana, within a few days of his return from Tongariro was overwhelmed in a huge landslide at the place where Te Heuheu was killed. 42. Ka kite atu ano he kara topuni, Koia Maroheia, e awhi mai ra Ihutoto, e. Ko Hema, nana nei i tito tenei waiata, no Ngati Maniapoto o te takiwa ki Kawhia. Ngakuru Pene Haare dictated the text of the song and also the explanatory material; and it was recorded by Te Raumoa (H. R. Balneavis), at Wellington, on the 24th September, 1924. 1820s Kaore te Aroha e Huri - longing for her iwi, far away. 10. 1. Tenei taku toto te whakapunia nei, e; Ki ta Te Peehi e penei ana, He Pakinga ra tahi., 14. He was killed in the fighting at Te Pourewa. 39. On the wanton urging of Mokonuiarangi.. He whakaritenga na Hinetawhirangi ki a Te Hamaiwaho, i awhi mate i te huapapa i Whakatane. Ko te tawatawa he ika, ko te kiri ano he mea whakairoiro pango na. Ka whakaritea te ra e tutaki ai raua. Taneuarangi = Pahi, Te Watene Taputerangi = Mere Whakaoi, O, Family Tree. Mauwehi rawa i taku tinana. Dual wives.Ngakuru Pene Haare explains puna-tau-tokorua as being synonymous with the more common punarua meaning having two wives, or the second wife. He hononga ki te iwi kua whakangaro. A derelict canoe.An old woman is likened unto an old canoe, broken and laid aside. Tauramatua.He ingoa no Te Rakahurumai. 5 He waka he ika rere ki Hikurangi ra ia; Tikapa o te rangi, The text and explanatory notes as recorded above were given to Te Hurinui by Taui Wetere of Ngati Hikairo tribe of Kawhia.). Toea mai ra te ata i Houhora! Takoto ki te moenga me he ika ora au, e, 3. Kaore te aroha e tama i a au, whakarongo He tangi : 348. This song has been adapted by various tribes. Ki te whare kiwi ki Tongariro, e moea iho nei. 63. Kokara.He whaea. Te Momo was related to Rewi on his Raukawa and Maniapoto side. The poet's sons were born at a critical period when fearful wars were raging in Heretaunga. Ka momotu ki tawhiti, ki Paerau. 6. E kiia ana ko te tangata tuatahi i mate i te ngerengere i maka ki roto i taua ana. 1. Te Koreke.He toka kei waho o Whangaipotiki (kei te taha tai o Whareponga) he rerenga taruke. E noho ana a Te Whatanui, a Ngati Raukawa, a Ngati-Tuwharetoa i te motu i Te Roto-a-Tara, e kiia nei ko Te Awarua-o-Porirua, i reira hoki te pa. Ka tutaki nga taua ki Kahotea; ka mate ki reira a Te Momo, na Peketahi o Ngapuhi i patu. Pea.He kupu pakeha pair: ara ka taurite raua. He maha nga parekura i reira. Ko Ahumai tenei i nga korero o te pakanga i Orakau. Pehia, Toheriri, Kahu.Chiefs of the Apiti sub-tribe of Tuhourangi who were killed on Mokoia Island. Otira ka pohehetia e nga pakeha nana i tuhi tenei waiata i mua ka tuhia penetia, 'pu a Rewi (J. Ka kitea ki te kupu rama no te wa pakeha nei tenei waiata. It has been remarked that the descendants of Te Momo have straight hair. 9. Toroa tai.Ko te huruhuru maeneene i nga keke o te toroa, hei pohoi ki te taringa. According to tradition Hoturoa, the leader of the Tainui canoe migration, was the first to be interred in Muriwhenua. It is situated off the eastern coast in the district of Whangamata and Tairua. Taka ko roto nei e ai te ao hau, e, I taia ano te waiata nei i te tau 1856 e Shortland ki tana pukapuka: Traditions and Superstitions, p. 183. Na raua i waiata ki roto i te mihini hopu korero i Whareponga, i te 19 o Maehe, 1923; ana kei te Dominion Museum i Poneke e takoto ana. Ko Tongariro maunga na Rangi-e-tu-iho-nei i whakamoe ki tana wahine ki a Pihanga, he maunga ano no te takiwa ki Taupo. E ki ana a Hone Ngatoto, mo te taonga, mo te kainga. I taia ano taua waiata ki te pukapuka a McGregor Maori Songs, p. 57, engari he maha nga wahi tahapa o tera. Their child was Te Heuheu-rangi (The Sky Clearer). 11. 9. Pahoe was drowned in a flood and his body was cast ashore at the mouth of the Waiapu River. 19. 25/35; Wars 284-306; Tr. Ko tenei tetahi. 20 Ka ea mai kei runga, i e. Miriama was the mother of Hamiora Aparoa and others. 10. Leave behind.In the Maori text, Mairatia iho, which is explained as make audible.. Rokohanga atu e hui ana te iwi o te turehu ra, a e waiata ana te turehu ra i tona waiata. 15. Kaore te Aroha Mohukihuki ana - an old love song Kaore te Aroha e Huri Runga Ra - longing for northern iwi . Whakatere kino.Kua whakamaramatia i runga ake ra. Behold the hazy smoke.In the text as recorded in Nga Moteatea (Grey), this line is given thus: Ra te auahi, kokiri ana ia i te pae (Behold the smoke cloud thrusting upwards o'er the horizon). 342, J. i. Kaore i roa i muri mai ka mate a Te Momo ki Kahotea. 1. Location: Mourea, Whakarewarewa, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand . A last farewell.In the Maori text the term used is, 14. Ka hoki ia ki Ohiwa; tae rawa atu, ka hori mai ia te waka i waho, hoki tonu mai ia. Kiharoa's slave was married to a Ngati-Raukawa woman. Takapau-o-Tu.He tatai no mua mai ra ano. This song has a sweet air and it had a vogue throughout the land. Whakatakataka ana mai kai roto riro. Katahi ka tika te tuhinga inaianei, he whare po rutu.. The annotation was done by Apirana Ngata (Sir A. T Ngata). Ka whiri nga mate ki nga momo rangatira 3/471; T. Turi p. 20; T.N.P. Ka mea e te muri, ka tu mai te takahi, Tera te ata iti hohoro mai koia; Ko te whakamarama a Te Taite te Tomo i te tainga tuatahi o Nga Moteatea Part one e he ana etehi waahi. 11. Ka kawa nga ware, ka waikoherikitia, Nau i rere mua; 10 I Ngati-Waiora. I lay me down to sleep but am like a live fish, 'Tis a tattooed visage you do now gaze upon., 3. This song was composed by the seer, Te Ngo. ki te p. Kaore he tarutaru e tupu ana ki runga inaianei, engari i mua, e ai ki te korero, he rakau e tupu ana kapi tonu, he waahi hoki e haerea ana e nga tangata o Kawhia ki reira ngahau ai. On this side of Taporaroa is Whakaipo, which was formerly a hamlet on the shores of Lake Taupo. 59. 14/12), or as pu o Rewi-kanepa, or gun for Rewikanepa (W.L.W. E whanatu ana koe ki a te Rewarewa ra, 7. Paraikete.He kupu pakeha, blanket.. Hoki mai e roto ki te puia nui ki Toknu, 2. Ki ta etahi whakamarama he tupuke kei raro iho i Puakoti, i Whareponga. 4. Snare.A figure of speech for the invading army. Ki etahi, te aroha. E ki ana a Te Peehi Te Kaiapera, (he tangata no Tuhoe). This song was sung by Heni Turei, Te Matenga Kahu and Hare Maruata at Whareponga on 19th March, 1923. The chief of the Patupaiarehe ardently desired Tawhaitu, who was a woman of the Tangata Maori, or Maori race, who was the wife of Ruarangi, ancestor of the Ruarangi hapu or sub-tribe of the Ngati-haua tribe, the people of Wiremu Tamehana Tarapipi te Waharoa (the so-called King-maker), now dead. On page 29 of the Journal Hoani Nahe discusses the Patupaiarehe. 7. Ka tanga mai he wahine tuatahi tonu atu. 10 I hikitia pea Taiawhio e te whitiki? 2. Seine-fishing vessels.Canoes, called. A ha ha! 15 Whakarewaia ra ki runga o Motutawa, Tenei matou kei runga i te toka. 15. 3. 10. 2. On one side Te Tomo was of Ngati-Raukawa, and related to that section of Ngati-Raukawa at Otaki. Aku tangi m koutou It is said Te Koaoao married and had Miriama. E tama i whanake i te ata o pipiri, This song has a fine air to it, and it is sung throughout the land. HE W AI AT A AROHA [nga moteatea 68. With the morning light.This was a custom of the Turehu folk; with the first signs of dawn, they would return to their homes in the mists, which cling to the mountain ranges. He maha nga waiata mona i titoa e Riria Turiwhewhe. E rangona ake nei, e. Some of the words of this song refer to the lament for Kuru-o-temarama which has been recorded as Song Number 5. : M. 82, S.L. Ko te rite i taku kiri ka ura mai te rangi. Ki te renga horu no roto no Parahaki, e. 15 Auaka, e Mare, e kohuraia mai, Ko Te Karewa, e huaina nei i roto i te waiata, ko te ingoa o te moutere i waho o nga moana o Aotea me Kawhia; e hara i te motu i waho o Tauranga i whakaarotia ai e Apirana i tana tuhinga i Nga Moteatea. Ko nga whakamarama i runga ake nei na Pei Te Hurinui. When Uenuku punished his wife, Takarita, because of her adultery, her brother Tawheta was deeply offended. He wanted Te Rohu to be his wife, but he was not acceptable. Traditional karakia, and Christianity Different cultures' ways towards an experience of our oneness with all things. He wahine turehu ano ta te turehu nei i mua atu i tona tahaetanga i a Ripiroaiti, ko Tapu-te-uru-roa te ingoa. Ka mea e koro, ka unga mai i ahau, 3. Tirohia iho, Parua.Ko te Parua nui tenei, na Hinekura raua ko Rakaihakeke. This song is a lament by Hinekaukia for her son who was burnt by fire at Kereruhuahua, in the district of Waipaoa, in the Gisborne area. : M. 179; J. The second verse may be published in Part III. Nana tenei waiata i tito i a ia i pangia ai e te mate ngere-ngere. 4. 11. Wanton urging.Already explained in the introduction to this lament. Ahumai, who was the daughter of Te Paerata, married Matawaia a son of Te Momo. I ngakau nui ai he mutunga mahi koe. Ka ura mai te ra ka kohi au he mahara. Hikurangi.Ko te maunga nui kei te tai rawhiti. Okuta is below Wheao. No Mere Whakaoi ka pouaru ka moea e Karauria Kauri. 2. Big Calabash,In the Maori text, which follows that given by Hone Ngatoto, the term used is tahau pararaha, a calabash with a wide opening. Ko tau rakau Ka takoto. Te Ra-kungia, Te Moana-Waipu.Ko nga parekura enei o Wheta ratau ko tona iwi i te ngakina mate a Uenuku mo te kohurutanga i ona tamariki. I te au o Mangawhero e kume nei, kume ake nei. Ko Mangawhero he awa kei Pakowhai, e puta ana ki Ngaruroro. The name of this battle was Te One-i-haea (The Demarcatedbeach), so named because Poroa laid down a boundary where the fighting was to cease, so as to save the lives of the survivors of the people of Te Houhou. Te p uriuri, ki te p, i oti atu Moe mai, e Wano, i Trau, te pae ki te whenua This song was also published in 1856 by Shortland in his book Traditions and Superstitions, p. 183. Volume 64 1955 > Supplement: Nga Moteatea, Part I, p 90-152, Family Tree. He motu kei Rotokakahi.Ki etahi kaupapa e penei ana Whakarewaia ra ki runga o Rotorua.. 3. Format Book Date created 1853 Creator George Grey URL 21. is an adaptation, and is not in the original version of the song: the original name has been lost. Noku te wareware, kihei rawa i puritia; No te pakanga ki Te Pakake ka riro herehere etehi o nga rangatira o Ngati Kahuhunu. No te taenga atu o nga tamariki a Uenuku ki te kainga o Wheta, ka patua, ko Rongouaroa te morehu. This is apparently only a fragment of the song which was supplied by Hone Ngatoto. Kawhia was the father of Mangalater called Rewi Maniapoto. Ka kai he pua ke, ka rauiri ki te one, i. According to some people the name of the canoe was Te Whakapu. Some minor corrections were made to the text in Nga Moteatea (Grey) in accordance with information supplied by Raureti Mokonuiarangi and Kepa Ehau. Ko te waiata nei na te tohunga ra na Te Ngo i tito. Rangi.Abbreviation for Rangiaho, wife of Te Heuheu Tukino, grandfather of Te Heuheu Tukino, M.L.C. Kaore Te Aroha E Huri Runga Ra Ngati Whakahemo Maori songs - Kiwi songs - Home A person on a hill east of Te Puke looks south to farewell a mountain above Lake Rotoiti, before turning northwards to seek a ship that can return them to their tribe there. This song was also recorded in Nga Moteatea (Grey), p. 168, and in S.L. Ka maanu i ahau he rimu kai te awa. Ki etahi e penei ana, kei tua koe e hika., 18. I haria hoki ki Tongariro tanu ai. Te ao ka takawe.No Te Rauparaha ka tae mai ki Moeatoa, he pae maunga kei te taha tonga o Kawhia, ka titiro atu ki muri, e pukohu ana mai te wa ki tona whenua tipu, ka tangi atu nei. 2. Te Heiraura.This is Te Heu for Te Heuheurangi in Best's. 3. E roto i ahau e whanawhana noa ra; 34. E tu noa mai ra koe ki au, e. 5 I te tai ki te tonga, e, kia Te Toritori ra. Kei hea ko te toa i rangona ake nei? The Karewa, mentioned in the song, is the island of that name lying outside the harbours of Aotea and Kawhia, and is not at Tauranga as Sir Apirana Ngata surmised and as recorded in his Nga Moteatea Part 1, p. 37. Ka riro aku taonga i a Te Hanamai, RancJitii . 25. p. 64). According to Te Taite te Tomo this song is by Te Rerehau (see Songs 75, 142, 319 and 320), and it is a song of love for her husband, Te Tomo, who also had another name, Tute. Ka meatia e te tohunga ra nga rakau e rua, ka tapaina ko Te Houhou tetahi, ko Poroa tetahi. They came to see her. See Song 55.). Hema, who composed this song, was of that section of Ngati Maniapoto living in the Kawhia district. Ka roa, ka huakina e te tangata nei te tatau o te whare; kua rewa ke te ra ki runga, ka kite te tangata nei i te atahua o tona wahine. E ki ana a Te Rikihana ko nga waka taua o Ngapuhi o muri nei he kauri. 3. Puakato.He taunga ika kei waho o Tawhiti, he taunga warehou. This is a song by Te Rangipouri, of the Turehu folk, for his Maori bride, Ripiroaiti. Pehia, Toheriri, Kehu.He rangatira no Ngati-te Apiti, no Tuhourangi, i mate ki Mokoia. 3/31 Hoani Nahe gives a different version and on page 30 a different origin of this song: It [the word Maori] will be found in the love-song of Whanawhana and Rangipouri, chiefs of the iwi atua, or Fairies, the Patupaiarehe, Turehu, or Korakorako. He hira toku mate Pipiri.He marama Maori te tahi o Pipiri, he hotoke. 4. Tangi whakaroro ana ki te Houhangapa. 3/168; T. Turi p. 235 e penei ana kawe.. I whakaputua This is a figure of speech used in a derogative sense by woman composers of songs with reference to women who attract men, or who commit adultery. Te Heiraura.Ki ta Te Peehi e penei ana Te Heumo Te Heuheurangi, te tamaiti a Uenuku raua ko Tairi-a-kohu. In J. 5. Ki te aroaro o Whiwhinga 2. 235 E Pene., Ki te ahi taraiti.Ki Nga Moteatea e penei ana, Kia ka ko te ahi., 7. 2. Te Wairongo; Then another woman appeared, Te Hunawerawera by name, and she took the husband, fleeing with him to Taitai. Orona.The place and name of battle where Ngati Tuwharetoa were defeated by Tuhoe. She indulged in a love affair with Te Toko, otherwise Te Mahutu, a chief of Waikato and Ngati-Maniapoto. 2. 6. Kei te ngaru whakateo e tere i Taupo. I pungaia te tangata ki te wai o te ra, Kua mahue te whenua o Ngati Kahuhunu ki Heretaunga, me Wairarapa i taua wa; kua heke nga iwi ki Nukutaurua. In Grey's Nga Moteatea, it is given as Ngamotu. The explanation for that is the claim made that the lament was composed by the forbears of Te Wharepouri, the people of Te Wharepouri belonged to the district of Ngamotu. Kia kite i te paura, A fugitive in hasty flight am I.In Ngata's Nga Moteatea Part I, this is given as Te Tawa i Tutere. It is similarly recorded by Shortland. Ko Te Kotiri no Te Aitanga-a-mate, no Te Whanau-a-Rakairoa, no nga momo rangatira. 11. Other demon mountains also strove for them. 8. The people of the Ringatu (Upraised Hand) Church know of Hamiora Aparoa, he lived at Ohiwa. 11. Dogskin cloakrocklikeKara.In the Maori text is explained as basaltic stone. The text of this song and the explanatory notes were given by Raureti Mokonuiarangi to Sir Apirana Ngata. In the text of another song the following lines occur: Even at Te Ra-torua there was a survivor; 48. He ingoa no Te Whatanui o Ngati-Raukawa; he uri na Pare-Wahawaha. Tuwhenuaroa, Tumutumu, Rawheao, Tauwhenua, Puaiti, Takangaroa (f) = Te Hau (m), Mawete, Takakuru = Whakarongouru (m), Rua, Rikihana, Erana, Wiremu Rikihana, Ngakuru Pene Haare (Te kai-korero), Paparewa, Poutu, MOEANA (f) = Tutenganahau (m), TE HOUHOU (m), Kahukore (f) = Waiata (m), TAOHO (m), Family Tree. 'Tautari.Abbreviation for Maungatautari mountain situated on the Waikato River. This gave rise to the proverbial saying about articles of value that are found: A plume washed ashore for Mahina is a treasured thing which will not be returned to you.. Kei te wetewete ra te kekekeno i ona kakahu, She married a European named Spencer (Penata in Maori), who was a master of one of the vessels owned by Ngati Maniapoto which voyaged between Kawhia and Port Jackson (Poihakena in Maori). Te taenga mai ki Wharekahika, ka noho ia i kona, ka mahue tamaiti a tera, a Maroheia, ki reira, noho tonu iho hai pohatu.. Tuatahi.He wahine tuatahi na te turehu o roto o te iwi Maori. E takoto ake ana, Hoki para kore ana, e! Mist.In the Maori text the term used is, 4. Mata-koutu.He taanga umu kei Mangaheia, kei roto o Uawa. 1. 10 Hei whakamaurutanga moku ki te iwi, e. Bowels.In Nga Moteatea (Grey) and S.L. Users who like Kaore te aroha i ahau e hika; Users who reposted Kaore te aroha i ahau e hika; Playlists containing Kaore te . 14. 5 Te ao o te parera e koheri atu ra, Ka mate ka rohaina ki runga i te huapapapa, ka haehaetia i reira. Ko McGregor tetahi o te ope pakeha, tiaki i nga herehere; nana i tono, ka tuhituhia e etahi o nga herehere nga waiata, i taia ki taua pukapuka.

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